
503 lines
19 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

function getpath()
$_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'] = strtolower(splitfirst(splitfirst($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'],';')[0],',')[0]);
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']!='http'&&$_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']!='https') {
$tmp = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'])[0];
if ($tmp=='http'||$tmp=='https') $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] = $tmp;
$_SERVER['host'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$_SERVER['referhost'] = explode('/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])[2];
$_SERVER['base_path'] = "/";
$p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?');
if ($p>0) $path = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $p);
else $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$path = path_format( substr($path, strlen($_SERVER['base_path'])) );
return $path;
function getGET()
if (!$_POST) {
$tmpdata = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA;
} else {
$tmpdata = file_get_contents('php://input');
if (!!$tmpdata) {
$postbody = explode("&", $tmpdata);
foreach ($postbody as $postvalues) {
$pos = strpos($postvalues,"=");
$p = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?');
if ($p>0) {
$getstr = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $p+1);
$getstrarr = explode("&",$getstr);
foreach ($getstrarr as $getvalues) {
if ($getvalues != '') {
$pos = strpos($getvalues, "=");
//echo $pos;
if ($pos > 0) {
$getarry[urldecode(substr($getvalues, 0, $pos))] = urldecode(substr($getvalues, $pos + 1));
} else {
$getarry[urldecode($getvalues)] = true;
if (isset($getarry)) {
return $getarry;
} else {
return [];
function getConfig($str, $disktag = '')
$projectPath = splitlast(__DIR__, '/')[0];
$configPath = $projectPath . '/.data/config.php';
$s = file_get_contents($configPath);
$configs = '{' . splitlast(splitfirst($s, '{')[1], '}')[0] . '}';
if ($configs!='') {
$envs = json_decode($configs, true);
if (isInnerEnv($str)) {
if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag'];
if (isset($envs[$disktag][$str])) {
if (isBase64Env($str)) return base64y_decode($envs[$disktag][$str]);
else return $envs[$disktag][$str];
} else {
if (isset($envs[$str])) {
if (isBase64Env($str)) return base64y_decode($envs[$str]);
else return $envs[$str];
return '';
function setConfig($arr, $disktag = '')
if ($disktag=='') $disktag = $_SERVER['disktag'];
$projectPath = splitlast(__DIR__, '/')[0];
$configPath = $projectPath . '/.data/config.php';
$s = file_get_contents($configPath);
$configs = '{' . splitlast(splitfirst($s, '{')[1], '}')[0] . '}';
if ($configs!='') $envs = json_decode($configs, true);
$disktags = explode("|",getConfig('disktag'));
$indisk = 0;
$operatedisk = 0;
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if (isCommonEnv($k)) {
if (isBase64Env($k)) $envs[$k] = base64y_encode($v);
else $envs[$k] = $v;
} elseif (isInnerEnv($k)) {
if (isBase64Env($k)) $envs[$disktag][$k] = base64y_encode($v);
else $envs[$disktag][$k] = $v;
$indisk = 1;
} elseif ($k=='disktag_add') {
array_push($disktags, $v);
$operatedisk = 1;
} elseif ($k=='disktag_del') {
$disktags = array_diff($disktags, [ $v ]);
$envs[$v] = '';
$operatedisk = 1;
} elseif ($k=='disktag_copy') {
$newtag = $v . '_' . date("Ymd_His");
$envs[$newtag] = $envs[$v];
array_push($disktags, $newtag);
$operatedisk = 1;
} elseif ($k=='disktag_rename' || $k=='disktag_newname') {
if ($arr['disktag_rename']!=$arr['disktag_newname']) $operatedisk = 1;
} else {
$envs[$k] = $v;
if ($indisk) {
$diskconfig = $envs[$disktag];
$diskconfig = array_filter($diskconfig, 'array_value_isnot_null');
$envs[$disktag] = $diskconfig;
if ($operatedisk) {
if (isset($arr['disktag_newname']) && $arr['disktag_newname']!='') {
$tags = [];
foreach ($disktags as $tag) {
if ($tag==$arr['disktag_rename']) array_push($tags, $arr['disktag_newname']);
else array_push($tags, $tag);
$envs['disktag'] = implode('|', $tags);
$envs[$arr['disktag_newname']] = $envs[$arr['disktag_rename']];
$envs[$arr['disktag_rename']] = '';
} else {
$disktags = array_unique($disktags);
foreach ($disktags as $disktag) if ($disktag!='') $disktag_s .= $disktag . '|';
if ($disktag_s!='') $envs['disktag'] = substr($disktag_s, 0, -1);
else $envs['disktag'] = '';
$envs = array_filter($envs, 'array_value_isnot_null');
//error_log1(json_encode($arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ' => tmp' . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
//echo json_encode($arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ' => tmp' . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return setVercelConfig($envs, getConfig('HerokuappId'), getConfig('APIKey'));
function install()
global $constStr;
if ($_GET['install1']) {
if ($_POST['admin']!='') {
$tmp['admin'] = $_POST['admin'];
//$tmp['language'] = $_POST['language'];
$tmp['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['timezone'];
$APIKey = $_POST['APIKey'];
//if ($APIKey=='') {
// $APIKey = getConfig('APIKey');
$tmp['APIKey'] = $APIKey;
$token = $APIKey;
$header["Authorization"] = "Bearer " . $token;
$header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
$aliases = json_decode(curl("GET", "", "", $header)['body'], true);
$host = splitfirst($_SERVER["host"], "//")[1];
$aliases1 = [];
foreach ($aliases["aliases"] as $key => $aliase) {
$aliases1[] = $aliase["alias"];
if ($host==$aliase["alias"]) $projectId = $aliase["projectId"];
if (!$projectId) {
$html = 'Please visit from: ' . json_encode($aliases1);
return message($html, 'Error', 400);
$tmp['HerokuappId'] = $projectId;
$response = json_decode(setVercelConfig($tmp, $projectId, $APIKey), true);
if (api_error($response)) {
$html = api_error_msg($response);
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 400);
} else {
$html = getconstStr('Success') . '
var status = "' . $response['DplStatus'] . '";
var i = 0;
var expd = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+expd.toGMTString();
document.cookie=\'language=; path=/; \'+expires;
var uploadList = setInterval(function(){
if (document.getElementById("dis").style.display=="none") {
} else {
location.href = "' . path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/') . '";
}, 1000);
return message($html, $title, 201, 1);
if ($_GET['install0']) {
$html .= '
<form action="?install1" method="post" onsubmit="return notnull(this);">
foreach ($constStr['languages'] as $key1 => $value1) {
$html .= '
<label><input type="radio" name="language" value="'.$key1.'" '.($key1==$constStr['language']?'checked':'').' onclick="changelanguage(\''.$key1.'\')">'.$value1.'</label><br>';
$html .= '<br>
<a href="" target="_blank">' . getconstStr('Create') . ' token</a><br>
<label>Token:<input name="APIKey" type="password" placeholder="" value=""></label><br>';
$html .= '<br>
<label>Set admin password:<input name="admin" type="password" placeholder="' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['admin'] . '" size="' . strlen(getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')['admin']) . '"></label><br>';
$html .= '
<input type="submit" value="'.getconstStr('Submit').'">
<div id="showerror"></div>
var nowtime= new Date();
var timezone = 0-nowtime.getTimezoneOffset()/60;
var expd = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+expd.toGMTString();
document.cookie="timezone="+timezone+"; path=/; "+expires;
var errordiv = document.getElementById("showerror");
function changelanguage(str)
var expd = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+expd.toGMTString();
document.cookie=\'language=\'+str+\'; path=/; \'+expires;
location.href = location.href;
function notnull(t)
if (t.admin.value==\'\') {
alert(\'input admin\');
return false;
if (t.APIKey.value==\'\') {
alert(\'input Token\');
return false;
return true;
$title = getconstStr('SelectLanguage');
return message($html, $title, 201);
//if (substr($_SERVER["host"], -10)=="") {
$html .= '<a href="?install0">' . getconstStr('ClickInstall') . '</a>, ' . getconstStr('LogintoBind');
$html .= "<br>Remember: you MUST wait 30-60s after each operate / do some change, that make sure Vercel has done the building<br>" ;
//} else {
// $html.= "Please visit form *";
$title = 'Install';
return message($html, $title, 201);
function copyFolder($from, $to)
if (substr($from, -1)=='/') $from = substr($from, 0, -1);
if (substr($to, -1)=='/') $to = substr($to, 0, -1);
if (!file_exists($to)) mkdir($to, 0777, 1);
while($filename=readdir($handler)) {
if($filename != '.' && $filename != '..'){
$fromfile = $from.'/'.$filename;
$tofile = $to.'/'.$filename;
if(is_dir($fromfile)){// 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归
copyFolder($fromfile, $tofile);
copy($fromfile, $tofile);
return 1;
function setVercelConfig($envs, $appId, $token)
$outPath = '/tmp/code/';
$outPath_Api = $outPath . 'api/';
$coderoot = __DIR__;
$coderoot = splitlast($coderoot, '/')[0] . '/';
//echo $outPath_Api . '<br>' . $coderoot . '<br>';
copyFolder($coderoot, $outPath_Api);
$prestr = '<?php $configs = \'' . PHP_EOL;
$aftstr = PHP_EOL . '\';';
file_put_contents($outPath_Api . '.data/config.php', $prestr . json_encode($envs, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . $aftstr);
return VercelUpdate($appId, $token, $outPath);
function VercelUpdate($appId, $token, $sourcePath = "")
if (checkBuilding($appId, $token)) return '{"error":{"message":"Another building is in progress."}}';
$url = "";
$header["Authorization"] = "Bearer " . $token;
$header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
$data["name"] = "OneManager";
$data["project"] = $appId;
$data["target"] = "production";
$data["routes"][0]["src"] = "/(.*)";
$data["routes"][0]["dest"] = "/api/index.php";
$data["functions"]["api/index.php"]["runtime"] = "vercel-php@0.5.2";
if ($sourcePath=="") $sourcePath = splitlast(splitlast(__DIR__, "/")[0], "/")[0];
//echo $sourcePath . "<br>";
getEachFiles($file, $sourcePath);
$data["files"] = $file;
//echo json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . " ,data<br>";
$response = curl("POST", $url, json_encode($data), $header);
//echo json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . " ,res<br>";
$result = json_decode($response["body"], true);
$result['DplStatus'] = $result['id'];
return json_encode($result);
function checkBuilding($projectId, $token)
$r = 0;
$url = "" . $projectId;
$header["Authorization"] = "Bearer " . $token;
$header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
$response = curl("GET", $url, '', $header);
//echo json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . " ,res<br>";
$result = json_decode($response["body"], true);
foreach ( $result['deployments'] as $deployment ) {
if ($deployment['state']!=="READY" && $deployment['state']!=="ERROR") $r++;
return $r;
//if ($r===0) return true;
//else return false;
function getEachFiles(&$file, $base, $path = "")
//if (substr($base, -1)=="/") $base = substr($base, 0, -1);
//if (substr($path, -1)=="/") $path = substr($path, 0, -1);
$handler=opendir(path_format($base . "/" . $path));
while($filename=readdir($handler)) {
if($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && $filename != '.git'){
$fromfile = path_format($base . "/" . $path . "/" . $filename);
//echo $fromfile . "<br>";
if(is_dir($fromfile)){// 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归
$response = getEachFiles($file, $base, path_format($path . "/" . $filename));
if (api_error(setConfigResponse($response))) return $response;
$tmp['file'] = path_format($path . "/" . $filename);
$tmp['data'] = file_get_contents($fromfile);
$file[] = $tmp;
return json_encode( [ 'response' => 'success' ] );
function api_error($response)
return isset($response['error']);
function api_error_msg($response)
return $response['error']['code'] . '<br>
' . $response['error']['message'] . '<br>
<button onclick="location.href = location.href;">'.getconstStr('Refresh').'</button>';
function setConfigResponse($response)
return json_decode($response, true);
function OnekeyUpate($GitSource = 'Github', $auth = 'qkqpttgf', $project = 'OneManager-php', $branch = 'master')
$tmppath = '/tmp';
if ($GitSource=='Github') {
// 从github下载对应tar.gz并解压
$url = '' . $auth . '/' . $project . '/tarball/' . urlencode($branch) . '/';
} elseif ($GitSource=='HITGitlab') {
$url = '' . $auth . '/' . $project . '/-/archive/' . urlencode($branch) . '/' . $project . '-' . urlencode($branch) . '.tar.gz';
} else return json_encode(['error'=>['code'=>'Git Source input Error!']]);
$tarfile = $tmppath . '/github.tar.gz';
file_put_contents($tarfile, file_get_contents($url));
$phar = new PharData($tarfile);
$html = $phar->extractTo($tmppath, null, true);//路径 要解压的文件 是否覆盖
// 获取解压出的目录名
$outPath = findIndexPath($tmppath);
if ($outPath=='') return '{"error":{"message":"no outpath"}}';
$name = $project . 'CODE';
mkdir($tmppath . "/" . $name, 0777, 1);
rename($outPath, $tmppath . "/" . $name . '/api');
$outPath = $tmppath . "/" . $name;
//echo $outPath . "<br>";
// put in config
$coderoot = __DIR__;
$coderoot = splitlast($coderoot, '/')[0] . '/';
copy($coderoot . '.data/config.php', $outPath . '/api/.data/config.php');
return VercelUpdate(getConfig('HerokuappId'), getConfig('APIKey'), $outPath);
function WaitFunction($deployid = '') {
if ($buildId=='1') {
$tmp['stat'] = 400;
$tmp['body'] = 'id must provided.';
return $tmp;
$header["Authorization"] = "Bearer " . getConfig('APIKey');
$header["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
$url = "" . $deployid;
$response = curl("GET", $url, "", $header);
if ($response['stat']==200) {
$result = json_decode($response['body'], true);
if ($result['readyState']=="READY") return true;
if ($result['readyState']=="ERROR") return $response;
return false;
} else {
$response['body'] .= $url;
return $response;
function changeAuthKey() {
if ($_POST['APIKey']!='') {
$APIKey = $_POST['APIKey'];
$tmp['APIKey'] = $APIKey;
$response = setConfigResponse( setVercelConfig($tmp, getConfig('HerokuappId'), $APIKey) );
if (api_error($response)) {
$html = api_error_msg($response);
$title = 'Error';
return message($html, $title, 400);
} else {
$html = getconstStr('Success') . '
var status = "' . $response['DplStatus'] . '";
var i = 0;
var uploadList = setInterval(function(){
if (document.getElementById("dis").style.display=="none") {
} else {
location.href = "' . path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/') . '";
}, 1000);
return message($html, $title, 201, 1);
$html = '
<form action="" method="post" onsubmit="return notnull(this);">
<a href="" target="_blank">' . getconstStr('Create') . ' token</a><br>
<label>Token:<input name="APIKey" type="password" placeholder="" value=""></label><br>
<input type="submit" value="' . getconstStr('Submit') . '">
function notnull(t)
if (t.APIKey.value==\'\') {
alert(\'Input Token\');
return false;
return true;
return message($html, 'Change platform Auth token or key', 200);
function smallfileupload($drive, $path) {
if ($_FILES['file1']['error']) return output($_FILES['file1']['error'], 400);
if ($_FILES['file1']['size']>4*1024*1024) return output('File too large', 400);
return $drive->smallfileupload($path, $_FILES['file1']);