'5.5'=>'Asia/Calcutta', //Asia/Colombo
function main($path)
global $exts;
global $constStr;
if (in_array($_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'], array_keys($constStr['languages']))) {
$constStr['language'] = $_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'];
} else {
$prelang = splitfirst($_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'], '-')[0];
foreach ( array_keys($constStr['languages']) as $lang) {
if ($prelang == splitfirst($lang, '-')[0]) {
$constStr['language'] = $lang;
if (isset($_COOKIE['language'])&&$_COOKIE['language']!='') $constStr['language'] = $_COOKIE['language'];
//if (!$constStr['language']) $constStr['language'] = getConfig('language');
/*echo 'firstacceptlanguage:'.$_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'].'
if ($constStr['language']=='') $constStr['language'] = 'en-us';
$_SERVER['language'] = $constStr['language'];
$_SERVER['timezone'] = getConfig('timezone');
if (isset($_COOKIE['timezone'])&&$_COOKIE['timezone']!='') $_SERVER['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['timezone'];
if ($_SERVER['timezone']=='') $_SERVER['timezone'] = 0;
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . $path);
if (getConfig('admin')=='') return install();
if (getConfig('adminloginpage')=='') {
$adminloginpage = 'admin';
} else {
$adminloginpage = getConfig('adminloginpage');
if (isset($_GET[$adminloginpage])) {
if (isset($_GET['preview'])) {
$url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?preview';
} else {
$url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/');
if (getConfig('admin')!='') {
if ($_POST['password1']==getConfig('admin')) {
return adminform('admin',md5($_POST['password1']),$url);
} else return adminform();
} else {
return output('', 302, [ 'Location' => $url ]);
if (getConfig('admin')!='')
if ( isset($_COOKIE['admin'])&&$_COOKIE['admin']==md5(getConfig('admin')) ) {
$_SERVER['needUpdate'] = needUpdate();
} else {
if (isset($_GET['setup']))
if ($_SERVER['admin']) {
// setup Environments. 设置,对环境变量操作
return EnvOpt($_SERVER['needUpdate']);
} else {
$url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/');
return output('', 302, [ 'Location' => $url ]);
$_SERVER['base_disk_path'] = $_SERVER['base_path'];
$disktags = explode("|",getConfig('disktag'));
// echo 'count$disk:'.count($disktags);
if (count($disktags)>1) {
if ($path=='/'||$path=='') return output('', 302, [ 'Location' => path_format($_SERVER['base_path'].'/'.$disktags[0].'/') ]);
$_SERVER['disktag'] = $path;
$pos = strpos($path, '/');
if ($pos>1) $_SERVER['disktag'] = substr($path, 0, $pos);
if (!in_array($_SERVER['disktag'], $disktags)) return message('Please visit from Home Page.', 'Error', 404);
$path = substr($path, strlen('/'.$_SERVER['disktag']));
if ($_SERVER['disktag']!='') $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] = path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path']. '/' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . '/');
} else $_SERVER['disktag'] = $disktags[0];
// echo 'main.disktag:'.$_SERVER['disktag'].',path:'.$path.'
$_SERVER['list_path'] = getListpath($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
if ($_SERVER['list_path']=='') $_SERVER['list_path'] = '/';
$_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] = is_guestup_path($path);
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']=='XMLHttpRequest') $_SERVER['ajax']=1;
if ($_SERVER['admin']) if (isset($_GET['AddDisk'])||isset($_GET['authorization_code'])) return get_refresh_token();
$refresh_token = getConfig('refresh_token');
//if (!$refresh_token) return get_refresh_token();
if (!$refresh_token) {
return render_list();
} else {
if (!($_SERVER['access_token'] = getcache('access_token'))) {
if ($_SERVER['ajax']) {
if ($_GET['action']=='del_upload_cache') {
// del '.tmp' without login. 无需登录即可删除.tmp后缀文件
$tmp = splitlast($_GET['filename'], '/');
if ($tmp[1]!='') {
$filename = $tmp[0] . '/.' . $_GET['filelastModified'] . '_' . $_GET['filesize'] . '_' . $tmp[1] . '.tmp';
} else {
$filename = '.' . $_GET['filelastModified'] . '_' . $_GET['filesize'] . '_' . $_GET['filename'] . '.tmp';
$filename = path_format( path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)) . '/' . spurlencode($filename, '/') );
$tmp = MSAPI('DELETE', $filename, '', $_SERVER['access_token']);
$path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path));
if ($path1!='/'&&substr($path1,-1)=='/') $path1=substr($path1,0,-1);
savecache('path_' . $path1, json_decode('{}',true), 1);
return output($tmp['body'],$tmp['stat']);
if ($_GET['action']=='uploaded_rename') {
// rename .scfupload file without login.
// 无需登录即可重命名.scfupload后缀文件,filemd5为用户提交,可被构造,问题不大,以后处理
$oldname = spurlencode($_GET['filename']);
$pos = strrpos($oldname, '.');
if ($pos>0) $ext = strtolower(substr($oldname, $pos));
$oldname = path_format(path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)) . '/' . $oldname . '.scfupload' );
$data = '{"name":"' . $_GET['filemd5'] . $ext . '"}';
//echo $oldname .'
'. $data;
$tmp = MSAPI('PATCH',$oldname,$data,$_SERVER['access_token']);
if ($tmp['stat']==409) {
$tmpbody = json_decode($tmp['body'], true);
$tmpbody['name'] = $_GET['filemd5'] . $ext;
$tmp['body'] = json_encode($tmpbody);
$path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path));
if ($path1!='/'&&substr($path1,-1)=='/') $path1=substr($path1,0,-1);
savecache('path_' . $path1, json_decode('{}',true), 1);
return output($tmp['body'],$tmp['stat']);
if ($_GET['action']=='upbigfile') return bigfileupload($path);
if ($_SERVER['admin']) {
$tmp = adminoperate($path);
if ($tmp['statusCode'] > 0) {
$path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path));
if ($path1!='/'&&substr($path1,-1)=='/') $path1=substr($path1,0,-1);
savecache('path_' . $path1, json_decode('{}',true), 1);
return $tmp;
} else {
if ($_SERVER['ajax']) return output(getconstStr('RefreshtoLogin'),401);
$_SERVER['ishidden'] = passhidden($path);
if (isset($_GET['thumbnails'])) {
if ($_SERVER['ishidden']<4) {
if (in_array(strtolower(substr($path, strrpos($path, '.') + 1)), $exts['img'])) {
return get_thumbnails_url($path);
} else return output(json_encode($exts['img']),400);
} else return output('',401);
$files = list_files($path);
//echo json_encode(array_keys($files['children']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
if (isset($_GET['random'])&&$_GET['random']!=='') {
if ($_SERVER['ishidden']<4) {
$tmp = [];
foreach (array_keys($files['children']) as $filename) {
if (strtolower(splitlast($filename,'.')[1])==strtolower($_GET['random'])) $tmp[$filename] = $files['children'][$filename][$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']];
$tmp = array_values($tmp);
if (count($tmp)>0) {
if (isset($_GET['url'])) return output($tmp[rand(0,count($tmp)-1)], 200);
return output('', 302, [ 'Location' => $tmp[rand(0,count($tmp)-1)] ]);
} else return output('',404);
} else return output('',401);
if (isset($files['file']) && !isset($_GET['preview'])) {
// is file && not preview mode
if ( $_SERVER['ishidden']<4 || (!!getConfig('downloadencrypt')&&$files['name']!=getConfig('passfile')) ) return output('', 302, [ 'Location' => $files[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']] ]);
if ( isset($files['folder']) || isset($files['file']) ) {
return render_list($path, $files);
} else {
if (!isset($files['error'])) {
$files['error']['message'] = json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$files['error']['code'] = 'unknownError';
$files['error']['stat'] = 500;
return message(''.getconstStr('Back').getconstStr('Home').'
' . $files['error']['message'] . '
' . json_encode($ispassfile, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; if (isset($ispassfile['file'])) { $arr = curl_request($ispassfile[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']]); if ($arr['stat']==200) { $passwordf=explode("\n",$arr['body']); $password=$passwordf[0]; if ($password!='') $password=md5($password); savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', $password); return $password; } else { //return md5('DefaultP@sswordWhenNetworkError'); return md5( md5(time()).rand(1000,9999) ); } } else { savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', 'null'); if ($path !== '' ) { $path = substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/')); return gethiddenpass($path,$passfile); } else { return ''; } } } elseif ($password==='null') { if ($path !== '' ) { $path = substr($path,0,strrpos($path,'/')); return gethiddenpass($path,$passfile); } else { return ''; } } else return $password; // return md5('DefaultP@sswordWhenNetworkError'); } function get_timezone($timezone = '8') { global $timezones; if ($timezone=='') $timezone = '8'; return $timezones[$timezone]; } function message($message, $title = 'Message', $statusCode = 200) { return output('
' . $message . '
', $statusCode); } function needUpdate() { $current_ver = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/version'); $current_ver = substr($current_ver, strpos($current_ver, '.')+1); $current_ver = explode(urldecode('%0A'),$current_ver)[0]; $current_ver = explode(urldecode('%0D'),$current_ver)[0]; //$github_version = file_get_contents('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php/master/version'); $tmp = curl_request('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php/master/version'); if ($tmp['stat']==0) return 0; $github_version = $tmp['body']; $github_ver = substr($github_version, strpos($github_version, '.')+1); $github_ver = explode(urldecode('%0A'),$github_ver)[0]; $github_ver = explode(urldecode('%0D'),$github_ver)[0]; if ($current_ver != $github_ver) { $_SERVER['github_version'] = $github_version; return 1; } return 0; } function output($body, $statusCode = 200, $headers = ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'], $isBase64Encoded = false) { return [ 'isBase64Encoded' => $isBase64Encoded, 'statusCode' => $statusCode, 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $body ]; } function passhidden($path) { $path = str_replace('+','%2B',$path); $path = str_replace('&','&', path_format(urldecode($path))); if (getConfig('passfile') != '') { $path = spurlencode($path,'/'); if (substr($path,-1)=='/') $path=substr($path,0,-1); $hiddenpass=gethiddenpass($path,getConfig('passfile')); if ($hiddenpass != '') { return comppass($hiddenpass); } else { return 1; } } else { return 0; } return 4; } function size_format($byte) { $i = 0; while (abs($byte) >= 1024) { $byte = $byte / 1024; $i++; if ($i == 3) break; } $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $ret = round($byte, 2); return ($ret . ' ' . $units[$i]); } function time_format($ISO) { $ISO = str_replace('T', ' ', $ISO); $ISO = str_replace('Z', ' ', $ISO); //return $ISO; return date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime($ISO . " UTC")); } function get_thumbnails_url($path = '/') { $path1 = path_format($path); $path = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if ($path!='/'&&substr($path,-1)=='/') $path=substr($path,0,-1); $thumb_url = getcache('thumb_'.$path); if ($thumb_url!='') return output($thumb_url); $url = $_SERVER['api_url']; if ($path !== '/') { $url .= ':' . $path; if (substr($url,-1)=='/') $url=substr($url,0,-1); } $url .= ':/thumbnails/0/medium'; $files = json_decode(curl_request($url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $_SERVER['access_token']])['body'], true); if (isset($files['url'])) { savecache('thumb_'.$path, $files['url']); return output($files['url']); } return output('', 404); } function bigfileupload($path) { $path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if (substr($path1,-1)=='/') $path1=substr($path1,0,-1); if ($_GET['upbigfilename']!=''&&$_GET['filesize']>0) { $tmp = splitlast($_GET['upbigfilename'], '/'); if ($tmp[1]!='') { $fileinfo['name'] = $tmp[1]; $fileinfo['path'] = $tmp[0]; } else { $fileinfo['name'] = $_GET['upbigfilename']; } $fileinfo['size'] = $_GET['filesize']; $fileinfo['lastModified'] = $_GET['lastModified']; $filename = spurlencode($_GET['upbigfilename'],'/'); $cachefilename = spurlencode( $fileinfo['path'] . '/.' . $fileinfo['lastModified'] . '_' . $fileinfo['size'] . '_' . $fileinfo['name'] . '.tmp', '/'); $getoldupinfo=fetch_files(path_format($path . '/' . $cachefilename)); //echo json_encode($getoldupinfo, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); if (isset($getoldupinfo['file'])&&$getoldupinfo['size']<5120) { $getoldupinfo_j = curl_request($getoldupinfo[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']]); $getoldupinfo = json_decode($getoldupinfo_j['body'], true); if ( json_decode( curl_request($getoldupinfo['uploadUrl'])['body'], true)['@odata.context']!='' ) return output($getoldupinfo_j['body'], $getoldupinfo_j['stat']); } if (!$_SERVER['admin']) $filename = spurlencode( $fileinfo['name'] ) . '.scfupload'; $response=MSAPI('createUploadSession',path_format($path1 . '/' . $filename),'{"item": { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "fail" }}',$_SERVER['access_token']); $responsearry = json_decode($response['body'],true); if (isset($responsearry['error'])) return output($response['body'], $response['stat']); $fileinfo['uploadUrl'] = $responsearry['uploadUrl']; MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path1 . '/' . $cachefilename), json_encode($fileinfo, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), $_SERVER['access_token'])['body']; return output($response['body'], $response['stat']); } return output('error', 400); } function adminform($name = '', $pass = '', $path = '') { $statusCode = 401; $html = '' . json_encode($arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; if (isset($files['folder'])) { if ($files['folder']['childCount']>200) { // files num > 200 , then get nextlink $page = $_POST['pagenum']==''?1:$_POST['pagenum']; if ($page>1) $files=fetch_files_children($files, $path1, $page); $files['children'] = children_name($files['children']); /*$url = $_SERVER['api_url']; if ($path !== '/') { $url .= ':' . $path; if (substr($url,-1)=='/') $url=substr($url,0,-1); $url .= ':/children?$top=9999&$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,'.$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']; } else { $url .= '/children?$top=9999&$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,'.$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']; } $children = json_decode(curl_request($url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $_SERVER['access_token']])['body'], true); $files['children'] = $children['value'];*/ } else { // files num < 200 , then cache //if (isset($files['children'])) { $files['children'] = children_name($files['children']); //} savecache('path_' . $path, $files); } } if (isset($files['file'])) { if (in_array(splitlast($files['name'],'.')[1], $exts['txt'])) { if (!(isset($files['content'])&&$files['content']['stat']==200)) { $content1 = curl_request($files[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']]); $files['content'] = $content1; savecache('path_' . $path, $files); } } } if (isset($files['error'])) { $files['error']['stat'] = $arr['stat']; } } else { //error_log($arr['body']); $files = json_decode($arr['body'], true); if (isset($files['error'])) { $files['error']['stat'] = $arr['stat']; } else { $files['error']['stat'] = 503; $files['error']['code'] = 'unknownError'; $files['error']['message'] = 'unknownError'; } //$files = json_decode( '{"unknownError":{ "stat":'.$arr['stat'].',"message":"'.$arr['body'].'"}}', true); //error_log(json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } } return $files; } function children_name($children) { $tmp = []; foreach ($children as $file) { $tmp[strtolower($file['name'])] = $file; } return $tmp; } function fetch_files_children($files, $path, $page) { $path1 = path_format($path); $path = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if ($path!='/'&&substr($path,-1)=='/') $path=substr($path,0,-1); $cachefilename = '.SCFcache_'.$_SERVER['function_name']; $maxpage = ceil($files['folder']['childCount']/200); if (!($files['children'] = getcache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page))) { // down cache file get jump info. 下载cache文件获取跳页链接 $cachefile = fetch_files(path_format($path1 . '/' .$cachefilename)); if ($cachefile['size']>0) { $pageinfo = curl_request($cachefile[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']])['body']; $pageinfo = json_decode($pageinfo,true); for ($page4=1;$page4<$maxpage;$page4++) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4, $pageinfo['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4]); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4] = $pageinfo['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4]; } } $pageinfochange=0; for ($page1=$page;$page1>=1;$page1--) { $page3=$page1-1; $url = getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page3); if ($url == '') { if ($page1==1) { $url = $_SERVER['api_url']; if ($path !== '/') { $url .= ':' . $path; if (substr($url,-1)=='/') $url=substr($url,0,-1); $url .= ':/children?$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,'.$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']; } else { $url .= '/children?$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,'.$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']; } $children = json_decode(curl_request($url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $_SERVER['access_token']])['body'], true); // echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1, $children['value']); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1, $children['@odata.nextLink']); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page1,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; for ($page2=$page1+1;$page2<=$page;$page2++) { sleep(1); $children = json_decode(curl_request($url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $_SERVER['access_token']])['body'], true); savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['value']); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['@odata.nextLink']); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page2,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; } //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; $files['children'] = $children['value']; $files['folder']['page']=$page; $pageinfocache['filenum'] = $files['folder']['childCount']; $pageinfocache['dirsize'] = $files['size']; $pageinfocache['cachesize'] = $cachefile['size']; $pageinfocache['size'] = $files['size']-$cachefile['size']; if ($pageinfochange == 1) MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path.'/'.$cachefilename), json_encode($pageinfocache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), $_SERVER['access_token'])['body']; return $files; } } else { for ($page2=$page3+1;$page2<=$page;$page2++) { sleep(1); $children = json_decode(curl_request($url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $_SERVER['access_token']])['body'], true); savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['value'], 3300); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['@odata.nextLink'], 3300); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page2,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; } //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; $files['children'] = $children['value']; $files['folder']['page']=$page; $pageinfocache['filenum'] = $files['folder']['childCount']; $pageinfocache['dirsize'] = $files['size']; $pageinfocache['cachesize'] = $cachefile['size']; $pageinfocache['size'] = $files['size']-$cachefile['size']; if ($pageinfochange == 1) MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path.'/'.$cachefilename), json_encode($pageinfocache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT), $_SERVER['access_token'])['body']; return $files; } } } else { $files['folder']['page']=$page; for ($page4=1;$page4<=$maxpage;$page4++) { if (!($url = getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4))) { if ($files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4]!='') savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4, $files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4]); } else { $files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4] = $url; } } } return $files; } function get_refresh_token() { global $constStr; global $CommonEnv; $envs = ''; foreach ($CommonEnv as $env) $envs .= '\'' . $env . '\', '; $url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/'); if (isset($_GET['authorization_code']) && isset($_GET['code'])) { $_SERVER['disktag'] = $_COOKIE['disktag']; config_oauth(); $tmp = curl_request($_SERVER['oauth_url'] . 'token', 'client_id=' . $_SERVER['client_id'] .'&client_secret=' . $_SERVER['client_secret'] . '&grant_type=authorization_code&requested_token_use=on_behalf_of&redirect_uri=' . $_SERVER['redirect_uri'] .'&code=' . $_GET['code']); if ($tmp['stat']==200) $ret = json_decode($tmp['body'], true); if (isset($ret['refresh_token'])) { $refresh_token = $ret['refresh_token']; $str = ' refresh_token :
' . json_encode(json_decode($tmp['body']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '', $tmp['stat']); //return message('
' . json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '', 500); } if (isset($_GET['install1'])) { $_SERVER['disktag'] = $_COOKIE['disktag']; config_oauth(); if (getConfig('Drive_ver')=='MS' || getConfig('Drive_ver')=='CN') { return message(' '.getconstStr('JumptoOffice').' ', getconstStr('Wait').' 1s', 201); } else { return message('Something error, retry after a few seconds.', 'retry', 201); } } if (isset($_GET['install0'])) { if ($_POST['disktag_add']!='') { if (in_array($_COOKIE['disktag'], $CommonEnv)) { return message('Do not input ' . $envs . '
'.json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).'' . $html; $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1]!='') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1]!='') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1]!='') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } if ($_SERVER['admin']) { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1]!='') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Operate'), $html); 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'/' . encode_str_replace($file['name'])), $FolderList); $FolderListStr = str_replace('', str_replace('&','&', $file['name']), $FolderListStr); //$FolderListStr = str_replace('', path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . 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