0b0000, // used in heroku. 'SecretId' => 0b0000, // used in SCF/CFC. 'SecretKey' => 0b0000, // used in SCF/CFC. 'AccessKeyID' => 0b0000, // used in FC. 'AccessKeySecret' => 0b0000, // used in FC. 'HW_urn' => 0b0000, // used in FG. 'HW_key' => 0b0000, // used in FG. 'HW_secret' => 0b0000, // used in FG. 'HerokuappId' => 0b0000, // used in heroku. 'admin' => 0b0000, 'adminloginpage' => 0b0010, 'autoJumpFirstDisk' => 0b1010, 'background' => 0b0011, 'backgroundm' => 0b0011, 'disableShowThumb' => 0b1010, //'disableChangeTheme'=> 0b1010, 'disktag' => 0b0000, 'hideFunctionalityFile' => 0b1010, 'timezone' => 0b0010, 'passfile' => 0b0011, 'sitename' => 0b0011, 'customScript' => 0b0011, 'customCss' => 0b0011, 'customTheme' => 0b0011, 'theme' => 0b0010, 'useBasicAuth' => 0b1010, 'referrer' => 0b0011, 'forceHttps' => 0b1010, 'globalHeadOmfUrl' => 0b0011, 'globalHeadMdUrl' => 0b0011, 'globalReadmeMdUrl' => 0b0011, 'globalFootOmfUrl' => 0b0011, 'bcmathUrl' => 0b0011, 'Driver' => 0b0100, 'client_id' => 0b0100, 'client_secret' => 0b0101, 'sharepointSite' => 0b0101, 'shareurl' => 0b0101, //'sharecookie' => 0b0101, 'shareapiurl' => 0b0101, 'siteid' => 0b0100, 'refresh_token' => 0b0100, 'token_expires' => 0b0100, 'activeLimit' => 0b0100, 'driveId' => 0b0100, 'diskDisplay' => 0b0110, 'diskname' => 0b0111, 'diskDescription' => 0b0111, 'domain_path' => 0b0111, 'downloadencrypt' => 0b1110, 'guestup_path' => 0b0111, 'domainforproxy' => 0b0111, 'public_path' => 0b0111, 'fileConduitSize' => 0b0110, 'fileConduitCacheTime' => 0b0110, ]; $timezones = array( '-12' => 'Pacific/Kwajalein', '-11' => 'Pacific/Samoa', '-10' => 'Pacific/Honolulu', '-9' => 'America/Anchorage', '-8' => 'America/Los_Angeles', '-7' => 'America/Denver', '-6' => 'America/Mexico_City', '-5' => 'America/New_York', '-4' => 'America/Caracas', '-3.5' => 'America/St_Johns', '-3' => 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', '-2' => 'America/Noronha', '-1' => 'Atlantic/Azores', '0' => 'UTC', '1' => 'Europe/Paris', '2' => 'Europe/Helsinki', '3' => 'Europe/Moscow', '3.5' => 'Asia/Tehran', '4' => 'Asia/Baku', '4.5' => 'Asia/Kabul', '5' => 'Asia/Karachi', '5.5' => 'Asia/Calcutta', //Asia/Colombo '6' => 'Asia/Dhaka', '6.5' => 'Asia/Rangoon', '7' => 'Asia/Bangkok', '8' => 'Asia/Shanghai', '9' => 'Asia/Tokyo', '9.5' => 'Australia/Darwin', '10' => 'Pacific/Guam', '11' => 'Asia/Magadan', '12' => 'Asia/Kamchatka' ); function isCommonEnv($str) { global $EnvConfigs; if (isset($EnvConfigs[$str])) return ($EnvConfigs[$str] & 0b0100) ? false : true; else return null; } function isInnerEnv($str) { global $EnvConfigs; if (isset($EnvConfigs[$str])) return ($EnvConfigs[$str] & 0b0100) ? true : false; else return null; } function isShowedEnv($str) { global $EnvConfigs; if (isset($EnvConfigs[$str])) return ($EnvConfigs[$str] & 0b0010) ? true : false; else return null; } function isBase64Env($str) { global $EnvConfigs; if (isset($EnvConfigs[$str])) return ($EnvConfigs[$str] & 0b0001) ? true : false; else return null; } function isSwitchEnv($str) { global $EnvConfigs; if (isset($EnvConfigs[$str])) return ($EnvConfigs[$str] & 0b1000) ? true : false; else return null; } function main($path) { global $exts; global $constStr; global $slash; global $drive; $slash = '/'; if (strpos(__DIR__, ':')) $slash = '\\'; $_SERVER['php_starttime'] = microtime(true); $path = path_format($path); $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . $path); $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] = $_SERVER['base_path']; if (getConfig('forceHttps') && $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] == 'http') { if ($_GET) { $tmp = ''; foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if ($v === true) $tmp .= '&' . $k; else $tmp .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v; } $tmp = substr($tmp, 1); if ($tmp != '') $param = '?' . $tmp; } return output('visit via https.', 302, ['Location' => 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . $param]); } if (in_array($_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'], array_keys($constStr['languages']))) { $constStr['language'] = $_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage']; } else { $prelang = splitfirst($_SERVER['firstacceptlanguage'], '-')[0]; foreach (array_keys($constStr['languages']) as $lang) { if ($prelang == splitfirst($lang, '-')[0]) { $constStr['language'] = $lang; break; } } } if (isset($_COOKIE['language']) && $_COOKIE['language'] != '') $constStr['language'] = $_COOKIE['language']; if ($constStr['language'] == '') $constStr['language'] = 'en-us'; $_SERVER['language'] = $constStr['language']; $_SERVER['timezone'] = getConfig('timezone'); if (isset($_COOKIE['timezone']) && $_COOKIE['timezone'] != '') $_SERVER['timezone'] = $_COOKIE['timezone']; if ($_SERVER['timezone'] == '') $_SERVER['timezone'] = 0; $_SERVER['sitename'] = getConfig('sitename'); if (empty($_SERVER['sitename'])) $_SERVER['sitename'] = getconstStr('defaultSitename'); if (isset($_GET['jsFile'])) { if (substr($_GET['jsFile'], -3) != '.js') return output('', 403); if (!($path == '' || $path == '/')) return output('', 308, ['Location' => path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/?jsFile=' . $_GET['jsFile'])]); if (strpos($_GET['jsFile'], '/') > -1) $_GET['jsFile'] = splitlast($_GET['jsFile'], '/')[1]; $jsFile = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/js/' . $_GET['jsFile']); if (!!$jsFile) { return output(base64_encode($jsFile), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8', 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=' . 3 * 24 * 60 * 60], true); } else { return output('', 404); } } if (isset($_GET['WaitFunction'])) { $response = WaitFunction($_GET['WaitFunction']); //var_dump($response); if ($response === true) return output("ok", 200); elseif ($response === false) return output("", 206); else return $response; } if (getConfig('admin') == '') { if (isset($_GET['install0'])) no_return_curl('POST', 'https://notionbot-ysun.vercel.app/', 'data=' . json_encode($_SERVER)); return install(); } if (getConfig('adminloginpage') == '') { $adminloginpage = 'admin'; } else { $adminloginpage = getConfig('adminloginpage'); } if (isset($_GET['login'])) { if ($_GET['login'] === $adminloginpage) { /*if (isset($_GET['preview'])) { $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?preview'; } else { $url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/'); }*/ if (isset($_POST['password1'])) { $compareresult = compareadminsha1($_POST['password1'], $_POST['timestamp'], getConfig('admin')); if ($compareresult == '') { $timestamp = time() + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; $randnum = rand(10, 99999); $admincookie = adminpass2cookie('admin', getConfig('admin'), $timestamp, $randnum); $adminlocalstorage = adminpass2storage('admin', getConfig('admin'), $timestamp, $randnum); return adminform('admin', $admincookie, $adminlocalstorage); } else return adminform($compareresult); } else return adminform(); } } if (isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'])) { $_SERVER['admin'] = 1; $_SERVER['needUpdate'] = needUpdate(); } else { $_SERVER['admin'] = 0; } if (isset($_GET['setup'])) if ($_SERVER['admin']) { // setup Environments. 设置,对环境变量操作 return EnvOpt($_SERVER['needUpdate']); } else { $url = path_format($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '/'); return output('', 302, ['Location' => $url]); } // Add disk if (isset($_GET['AddDisk'])) { if ($_GET['AddDisk'] === true) { $tmp = path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/' . $path); return output('Please visit ' . $tmp . '.', 301, ['Location' => $tmp]); } if ($_SERVER['admin']) { if (!$_SERVER['disktag']) $_SERVER['disktag'] = ''; if (!class_exists($_GET['AddDisk'])) require 'disk' . $slash . $_GET['AddDisk'] . '.php'; $drive = new $_GET['AddDisk']($_GET['disktag']); return $drive->AddDisk(); } else { $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; /*if ($_GET) { $tmp = null; $tmp = ''; foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if ($k!='setup') { if ($v===true) $tmp .= '&' . $k; else $tmp .= '&' . $k . '=' . $v; } } $tmp = substr($tmp, 1); if ($tmp!='') $url .= '?' . $tmp; }*/ // not need GET adddisk, remove it return output('', 302, ['Location' => $url]); } } $disktags = explode("|", getConfig('disktag')); // echo 'count$disk:'.count($disktags); if (count($disktags) > 1) { if ($path == '/' || $path == '') { $files['type'] = 'folder'; $files['childcount'] = count($disktags); $files['showname'] = 'root'; foreach ($disktags as $disktag) if ($_SERVER['admin'] || getConfig('diskDisplay', $disktag) == '') { $files['list'][$disktag]['type'] = 'folder'; $files['list'][$disktag]['name'] = $disktag; $files['list'][$disktag]['showname'] = getConfig('diskname', $disktag); } if ($_GET['json']) { // return a json return output(json_encode($files), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']); } if (getConfig('autoJumpFirstDisk')) return output('', 302, ['Location' => path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/' . $disktags[0] . '/')]); } else { $_SERVER['disktag'] = splitfirst(substr(path_format($path), 1), '/')[0]; //$pos = strpos($path, '/'); //if ($pos>1) $_SERVER['disktag'] = substr($path, 0, $pos); if ((!$_SERVER['admin'] && getConfig('diskDisplay', $_SERVER['disktag']) == 'disable') || !in_array($_SERVER['disktag'], $disktags)) { $tmp = path_format($_SERVER['base_path'] . '/' . $disktags[0] . '/' . $path); if (!!$_GET) { $tmp .= '?'; foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if ($v === true) $tmp .= $k . '&'; else $tmp .= $k . '=' . $v . '&'; } $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, -1); } return output('Please visit ' . $tmp . '.', 302, ['Location' => $tmp]); //return message('Please visit from Home Page.', 'Error', 404); } //$path = substr($path, strlen('/' . $_SERVER['disktag'])); $path = splitfirst($path, $_SERVER['disktag'])[1]; if ($_SERVER['disktag'] != '') $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] = path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . '/'); } } else $_SERVER['disktag'] = $disktags[0]; // echo 'main.disktag:'.$_SERVER['disktag'].',path:'.$path.''; $_SERVER['list_path'] = getListpath($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if ($_SERVER['list_path'] == '') $_SERVER['list_path'] = '/'; $path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if ($path1 != '/' && substr($path1, -1) == '/') $path1 = substr($path1, 0, -1); $_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] = is_guestup_path($path); $_SERVER['ajax'] = 0; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'])) if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') $_SERVER['ajax'] = 1; if (!isreferhost()) return message('Must visit from designated host', 'NOT_ALLOWED', 403); // Operate if ($_SERVER['ajax']) { //error_log1($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']); if ($_GET['action'] == 'del_upload_cache') { // del '.tmp' without login. 无需登录即可删除.tmp后缀文件 if (!driveisfine($_SERVER['disktag'], $drive)) return output($_SERVER['disktag'] ? 'disk [ ' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . ' ] error.' : 'Not in drive', 403); savecache('path_' . $path1, '', $_SERVER['disktag'], 1); // clear cache. return $drive->del_upload_cache($path); } if ($_GET['action'] == 'upbigfile') { if (!driveisfine($_SERVER['disktag'], $drive)) return output($_SERVER['disktag'] ? 'disk [ ' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . ' ] error.' : 'Not in drive', 403); if (!$_SERVER['admin']) { if (!$_SERVER['is_guestup_path']) return output('Not_Guest_Upload_Folder', 400); if (strpos($_GET['upbigfilename'], '../') !== false) return output('Not_Allow_Cross_Path', 400); if (strpos($_POST['upbigfilename'], '../') !== false) return output('Not_Allow_Cross_Path', 400); } return $drive->bigfileupload($path1); } } if ($_GET['action'] == 'upsmallfile') { //echo json_encode($_POST, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); //echo json_encode($_FILES, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); if (!driveisfine($_SERVER['disktag'], $drive)) return output($_SERVER['disktag'] ? 'disk [ ' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . ' ] error.' : 'Not in drive', 403); if (!$_SERVER['admin']) { if (!$_SERVER['is_guestup_path']) return output('Not_Guest_Upload_Folder', 400); if (strpos($_GET['upbigfilename'], '../') !== false) return output('Not_Allow_Cross_Path', 400); if (strpos($_POST['upbigfilename'], '../') !== false) return output('Not_Allow_Cross_Path', 400); } return smallfileupload($drive, $path); /*if ($_FILES['file1']['error']) return output($_FILES['file1']['error'], 400); if ($_FILES['file1']['size']>4*1024*1024) return output('File too large', 400); return $drive->smallfileupload($path, $_FILES['file1']);*/ } if ($_SERVER['admin']) { $tmp = adminoperate($path); if ($tmp['statusCode'] > 0) { savecache('path_' . $path1, '', $_SERVER['disktag'], 1); return $tmp; } } else { if ($_SERVER['ajax']) return output(getconstStr('RefreshtoLogin'), 401); } // Show disks in root if ($files['showname'] == 'root') return render_list($path, $files); if (!driveisfine($_SERVER['disktag'], $drive)) return render_list(); $_SERVER['ishidden'] = passhidden($path); if (isset($_GET['thumbnails'])) { if ($_SERVER['ishidden'] < 4) { if (in_array(strtolower(substr($path, strrpos($path, '.') + 1)), $exts['img'])) { $thumb_url = $drive->get_thumbnails_url($path1); if ($thumb_url != '') { if ($_GET['location']) { $url = $thumb_url; $header['Location'] = $url; $domainforproxy = ''; $domainforproxy = getConfig('domainforproxy', $_SERVER['disktag']); if ($domainforproxy != '') { $url = proxy_replace_domain($url, $domainforproxy, $header); } return output('', 302, $header); } else return output($thumb_url); } return output('', 404); } else return output(json_encode($exts['img']), 400); } else return output('', 401); } // list folder if ($_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] && !$_SERVER['admin']) { $files = json_decode('{"type":"folder"}', true); } elseif ($_SERVER['ishidden'] == 4) { if (!getConfig('downloadencrypt', $_SERVER['disktag'])) { $files = json_decode('{"type":"file"}', true); } else { $files = $drive->list_files($path1); if ($files['type'] == 'folder') $files = json_decode('{"type":"folder"}', true); } } else { $files = $drive->list_files($path1); } //echo "
" . json_encode($files, 448) . "
"; //if ($path!=='') if ($files['type'] == 'folder' && substr($path, -1) !== '/') { $tmp = path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . $path . '/'); return output(' 308 Permanent Redirect

Permanent Redirect

The document has moved here.

', 308, ['Location' => $tmp]); } if ($_GET['json']) { // return a json if ($files['type'] == 'folder' && !$_SERVER['admin']) { foreach ($files['list'] as $k => $v) { if (isHideFile($k)) unset($files['list'][$k]); } } return output(json_encode($files), 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']); } // random file if (isset($_GET['random'])) if ($_GET['random'] !== true) { if ($_SERVER['ishidden'] < 4) { if (!isset($files['list'])) { $distfolder = splitlast($path, '/'); if ($distfolder[1] == '') $tmpfolder = splitlast($distfolder[0], '/')[1]; else $tmpfolder = $distfolder[1]; if ($tmpfolder == '') $tmpfolder = '/'; return output('No files in folder " ' . htmlspecialchars($tmpfolder) . ' ".', 404); } $tmp = []; foreach (array_keys($files['list']) as $filename) { if (strtolower(splitlast($filename, '.')[1]) == strtolower($_GET['random'])) $tmp[$filename] = $files['list'][$filename]['url']; } $tmp = array_values($tmp); if (count($tmp) > 0) { $url = $tmp[rand(0, count($tmp) - 1)]; if (isset($_GET['url'])) return output($url, 200); $header['Location'] = $url; $domainforproxy = ''; $domainforproxy = getConfig('domainforproxy', $_SERVER['disktag']); if ($domainforproxy != '') { $url = proxy_replace_domain($url, $domainforproxy, $header); } return output('', 302, $header); } else return output('No "' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['random']) . '" files', 404); } else return output('Hidden', 401); } else return output('must provide a suffix, like "?random=gif".', 401); // is file && not preview mode, download file if ($files['type'] == 'file' && !isset($_GET['preview'])) { if ($_SERVER['ishidden'] < 4 || (!!getConfig('downloadencrypt', $_SERVER['disktag']) && $files['name'] != getConfig('passfile'))) { $url = $files['url']; if (strtolower(splitlast($files['name'], '.')[1]) == 'html') return output($files['content']['body'], $files['content']['stat']); else { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($files['time']) == strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) return output('', 304); $fileConduitSize = getConfig('fileConduitSize', $_SERVER['disktag']); $fileConduitCacheTime = getConfig('fileConduitCacheTime', $_SERVER['disktag']); if (!!$fileConduitSize || !!$fileConduitCacheTime) { if ($fileConduitSize > 0) $fileConduitSize *= 1024 * 1024; else $fileConduitSize = 1024 * 1024; if ($fileConduitCacheTime > 0) $fileConduitCacheTime *= 3600; else $fileConduitCacheTime = 3600; /*if ($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']!='') { $header['Range'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']; $response = curl('GET', $files['url'], '', $header, 1); //return output($header['Range'] . json_encode($response['returnhead'])); return output( $response['body'], $response['stat'], $response['returnhead'], //['Accept-Ranges' => 'bytes', 'Range' => $response['returnhead']['Range'], 'Content-Type' => $files['mime'], 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=' . $fileConduitCacheTime], false ); } else { return output('', 206, ['Accept-Ranges' => 'bytes', 'Content-Range' => 'bytes 0-0/' . $files['size'], 'Content-Type' => $files['mime'] ] ); }*/ if ($files['size'] < $fileConduitSize) return output( base64_encode(file_get_contents($files['url'])), 200, [ 'Accept-Ranges' => 'bytes', //'access-control-allow-origin' => '*', //'access-control-expose-headers' => 'Content-Length, WWW-Authenticate, Location, Accept-Ranges', 'Content-Type' => $files['mime'], 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=' . $fileConduitCacheTime, //'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', strtotime($files['time'])) ], true ); //if ($files['size']<$fileConduitSize) return $drive->ConduitDown($files['url'], $files['time'], $fileConduitCacheTime); } if ($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'] != '') $header['Range'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']; $header['Location'] = $url; $domainforproxy = ''; $domainforproxy = getConfig('domainforproxy', $_SERVER['disktag']); if ($domainforproxy != '') { $url = proxy_replace_domain($url, $domainforproxy, $header); } return output('', 302, $header); } } } // Show folder if ($files['type'] == 'folder' || $files['type'] == 'file') { return render_list($path, $files); } else { if (!isset($files['error'])) { if (is_array($files)) { $files['error']['message'] = json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $files['error']['code'] = 'unknownError'; $files['error']['stat'] = 500; } } return message('
' . $files . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
' . getconstStr('Back') . '', $files['error']['code'], $files['error']['stat']); } } function get_content($path) { global $drive; $path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if ($path1 != '/' && substr($path1, -1) == '/') $path1 = substr($path1, 0, -1); $file = $drive->list_files($path1); //var_dump($file); return $file; } function driveisfine($tag, &$drive = null) { global $slash; $disktype = getConfig('Driver', $tag); if (!$disktype) return false; if (!class_exists($disktype)) require 'disk' . $slash . $disktype . '.php'; $drive = new $disktype($tag); if ($drive->isfine()) return true; else return false; } function baseclassofdrive($d = null) { global $drive; if (!$d) $dr = $drive; else $dr = $d; if (!$dr) return false; return $dr->show_base_class(); } function extendShow_diskenv($drive) { if (!$drive) return []; return $drive->ext_show_innerenv(); } function isreferhost() { $referer = $_SERVER['referhost']; if ($referer == '') return true; if ($referer == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) return true; $referrer = getConfig('referrer'); if ($referrer == '') return true; $arr = explode('|', $referrer); foreach ($arr as $host) { if ($host == $referer) return true; } return false; } function no_return_curl($method, $url, $data = '') { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } function adminpass2cookie($name, $pass, $timestamp) { return md5($name . ':' . md5($pass) . '@' . $timestamp) . "(" . $timestamp . ")"; } function adminpass2storage($name, $pass, $timestamp, $rand) { return md5($timestamp . '/' . $pass . '^' . $name . '*' . $rand) . "(" . $rand . ")"; } function compareadminmd5($name, $pass, $cookie, $storage = 'default') { $c = splitfirst($cookie, '('); $c_md5 = $c[0]; $c_time = substr($c[1], 0, -1); if (!is_numeric($c_time)) return false; if (time() > $c_time) return false; if ($storage == 'default') { if (md5($name . ':' . md5($pass) . '@' . $c_time) == $c_md5) return true; else return false; } else { $s = splitfirst($storage, '('); $s_md5 = $s[0]; $s_rand = substr($s[1], 0, -1); if (md5($c_time . '/' . $pass . '^' . $name . '*' . $s_rand) == $s_md5) return true; else return false; } return false; } function compareadminsha1($adminsha1, $timestamp, $pass) { if (!is_numeric($timestamp)) return 'Timestamp not Number'; if (abs(time() - $timestamp) > 5 * 60) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); return 'The time in server is ' . time() . ' (' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ' UTC),
and your time is ' . $timestamp . ' (' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp) . ' UTC)'; } if ($adminsha1 == sha1($timestamp . $pass)) return ''; else return 'Error password'; } function proxy_replace_domain($url, $domainforproxy, &$header) { global $drive; $tmp = splitfirst($url, '//'); $http = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], '/'); $domain = $tmp[0]; $uri = $tmp[1]; if (substr($domainforproxy, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($domainforproxy, 0, 8) == 'https://') $aim = $domainforproxy; else $aim = $http . '//' . $domainforproxy; if (substr($aim, -1) == '/') $aim = substr($aim, 0, -1); //$header['Location'] = $aim . '/' . $uri; //return $aim . '/' . $uri; if (strpos($url, '?') > 0) $sp = '&'; else $sp = '?'; $aim .= '/' . $uri . $sp . 'Origindomain=' . $domain; if ($drive->show_base_class() == 'Aliyundrive') $aim .= '&Aliyundrive'; $header['Location'] = $aim; return $aim . '/' . $uri . $sp . 'Origindomain=' . $domain; } function bchexdec($hex) { $len = strlen($hex); $dec = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $len; $i++) $dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($hex[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($len - $i)))); return $dec; } function isHideFile($name) { $FunctionalityFile = [ 'head.md', 'readme.md', 'head.omf', 'foot.omf', 'favicon.ico', 'robots.txt', 'index.htm', 'index.html', ]; if ($name == getConfig('passfile')) return true; if (substr($name, 0, 1) == '.') return true; if (getConfig('hideFunctionalityFile')) if (in_array(strtolower($name), $FunctionalityFile)) return true; return false; } function getcache($str, $disktag = '') { $cache = filecache($disktag); return $cache->fetch($str); } function savecache($key, $value, $disktag = '', $exp = 1800) { $cache = filecache($disktag); return $cache->save($key, $value, $exp); } function filecache($disktag) { $dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); if (!is_writable($dir)) { $tmp = __DIR__ . '/tmp/'; if (file_exists($tmp)) { if (is_writable($tmp)) $dir = $tmp; } elseif (mkdir($tmp)) $dir = $tmp; } $tag = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/OneManager/' . $disktag; while (strpos($tag, '/') > -1) $tag = str_replace('/', '_', $tag); if (strpos($tag, ':') > -1) { $tag = str_replace(':', '_', $tag); $tag = str_replace('\\', '_', $tag); } // error_log1('DIR:' . $dir . ' TAG: ' . $tag); $cache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache($dir, $tag); return $cache; } function calcDownKey($filename, $key = '') { if ($key) { // check key $tmp = splitfirst($key, '.'); if ($tmp[1] != '') { $timestamp = $tmp[0]; if (time() > $timestamp) return false; if (md5($timestamp . sha1($filename . getConfig('admin'))) == $tmp[1]) return true; else return false; } else return false; } else { // calc key $timestamp = time() + 1 * 24 * 60 * 60; return $timestamp . '.' . md5($timestamp . sha1($filename . getConfig('admin'))); } } function findIndexPath($rootpath, $path = '') { // find the path of the first 'index.php' that not in rootpath. global $slash; if (substr($rootpath, -1) == $slash) $rootpath = substr($rootpath, 0, -1); if (substr($path, 0, 1) == $slash) $path = substr($path, 1); $handler = opendir(path_format($rootpath . $slash . $path)); //打开当前文件夹 while ($filename = readdir($handler)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { //文件夹文件名字为'.'和‘..’,不要对他们进行操作 $nowname = path_format($rootpath . $slash . $path . $slash . $filename); if (is_dir($nowname)) { // 如果读取的某个对象是文件夹,则递归 $res = findIndexPath($rootpath, $path . $slash . $filename); if ($res !== '') return $res; } else { if ($filename === 'index.php') if ($path != '') return $rootpath . $slash . $path; } } } @closedir($handler); return ''; } function sortConfig(&$arr) { ksort($arr); if (isset($arr['disktag'])) { $tags = explode('|', $arr['disktag']); unset($arr['disktag']); foreach ($tags as $tag) if (isset($arr[$tag])) { $disks[$tag] = $arr[$tag]; unset($arr[$tag]); } $arr['disktag'] = implode('|', $tags); foreach ($disks as $k => $v) { $arr[$k] = $v; } } return $arr; } function chkTxtCode($str) { $code = array( 'ASCII', 'GBK', 'GB18030', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16', ); foreach ($code as $c) { if ($str === iconv('UTF-8', $c, iconv($c, 'UTF-8', $str))) return $c; } return false; } function getconstStr($str) { global $constStr; if ($constStr[$str][$constStr['language']] != '') return $constStr[$str][$constStr['language']]; return $constStr[$str]['en-us']; } function getListpath($domain) { $domain_path1 = getConfig('domain_path', $_SERVER['disktag']); $public_path = getConfig('public_path', $_SERVER['disktag']); $tmp_path = ''; if ($domain_path1 != '') { $tmp = explode("|", $domain_path1); foreach ($tmp as $multidomain_paths) { $pos = strpos($multidomain_paths, ":"); if ($pos > 0) { $domain1 = substr($multidomain_paths, 0, $pos); $tmp_path = path_format(substr($multidomain_paths, $pos + 1)); $domain_path[$domain1] = $tmp_path; if ($public_path == '') $public_path = $tmp_path; //if (substr($multidomain_paths,0,$pos)==$host_name) $private_path=$tmp_path; } } } if (isset($domain_path[$domain])) return spurlencode($domain_path[$domain], '/'); return spurlencode($public_path, '/'); } function path_format($path) { $path = '/' . $path; while (strpos($path, '//') !== FALSE) { $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path); } return $path; } function spurlencode($str, $split = '') { $str = str_replace(' ', '%20', $str); $tmp = ''; if ($split != '') { $tmparr = explode($split, $str); foreach ($tmparr as $str1) { $tmp .= urlencode($str1) . $split; } $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, strlen($tmp) - strlen($split)); } else { $tmp = urlencode($str); } $tmp = str_replace('%2520', '%20', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace('%26amp%3B', '&', $tmp); return $tmp; } function base64y_encode($str) { $str = base64_encode($str); while (substr($str, -1) == '=') $str = substr($str, 0, -1); while (strpos($str, '+') !== false) $str = str_replace('+', '-', $str); while (strpos($str, '/') !== false) $str = str_replace('/', '_', $str); return $str; } function base64y_decode($str) { while (strpos($str, '_') !== false) $str = str_replace('_', '/', $str); while (strpos($str, '-') !== false) $str = str_replace('-', '+', $str); while (strlen($str) % 4) $str .= '='; $str = base64_decode($str); //if (strpos($str, '%')!==false) $str = urldecode($str); return $str; } function error_log1($str) { error_log($str); } function is_guestup_path($path) { if (getConfig('guestup_path', $_SERVER['disktag']) != '') { $a1 = path_format(path_format(urldecode($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path))) . '/'); $a2 = path_format(path_format(getConfig('guestup_path', $_SERVER['disktag'])) . '/'); if (strtolower($a1) == strtolower($a2)) return 1; } return 0; } function array_value_isnot_null($arr) { return $arr !== ''; } function curl($method, $url, $data = '', $headers = [], $returnheader = 0, $location = 0) { //if (!isset($headers['Accept'])) $headers['Accept'] = '*/*'; //if (!isset($headers['Referer'])) $headers['Referer'] = $url; //if (!isset($headers['Content-Type'])) $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; if (!isset($headers['Content-Type']) && !isset($headers['content-type'])) $headers['Content-Type'] = ''; $sendHeaders = array(); foreach ($headers as $headerName => $headerVal) { $sendHeaders[] = $headerName . ': ' . $headerVal; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $returnheader); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $sendHeaders); if ($location) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); //$response['body'] = curl_exec($ch); if ($returnheader) { $tmpresult = curl_exec($ch); //error_log1($tmpresult); $tmpres = splitlast($tmpresult, "\r\n\r\n"); $response['body'] = $tmpres[1]; $returnhead = $tmpres[0]; //echo "HEAD:" . $returnhead; foreach (explode("\r\n", $returnhead) as $head) { $tmp = explode(': ', $head); $heads[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } $response['returnhead'] = $heads; } else { $response['body'] = curl_exec($ch); } $response['stat'] = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); return $response; } function clearbehindvalue($path, $page1, $maxpage, $pageinfocache) { for ($page = $page1 + 1; $page < $maxpage; $page++) { $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page] = ''; } $pageinfocache = array_filter($pageinfocache, 'array_value_isnot_null'); return $pageinfocache; } function comppass($pass) { if ($_POST['password1'] !== '') if (md5($_POST['password1']) === $pass) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $_SERVER['Set-Cookie'] = 'password=' . $pass . '; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime('+1hour')); date_default_timezone_set(get_timezone($_SERVER['timezone'])); return 2; } if ($_COOKIE['password'] !== '') if ($_COOKIE['password'] === $pass) return 3; if (getConfig('useBasicAuth')) { // use Basic Auth //$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] if ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] !== '') if (md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) === $pass) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $_SERVER['Set-Cookie'] = 'password=' . $pass . '; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime('+1hour')); date_default_timezone_set(get_timezone($_SERVER['timezone'])); return 2; } } return 4; } function encode_str_replace($str) { $str = str_replace('%', '%25', $str); if (strpos($str, '&')) $str = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $str); $str = str_replace('+', '%2B', $str); $str = str_replace('#', '%23', $str); return $str; } function gethiddenpass($path, $passfile) { $path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); if ($path1 != '/' && substr($path1, -1) == '/') $path1 = substr($path1, 0, -1); $password = getcache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', $_SERVER['disktag']); if ($password === false) { $ispassfile = get_content(path_format($path . '/' . urlencode($passfile))); //echo $path . '
' . json_encode($ispassfile, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
'; if ($ispassfile['type'] == 'file') { $arr = curl('GET', $ispassfile['url']); if ($arr['stat'] == 200) { $passwordf = explode("\n", $arr['body']); $password = $passwordf[0]; if ($password === '') { return ''; } else { $password = md5($password); savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', $password, $_SERVER['disktag']); return $password; } } else { //return md5('DefaultP@sswordWhenNetworkError'); return md5(md5(time()) . rand(1000, 9999)); } } else { savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', 'null', $_SERVER['disktag']); if ($path !== '') { $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')); return gethiddenpass($path, $passfile); } else { return ''; } } } elseif ($password === 'null') { if ($path !== '') { $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')); return gethiddenpass($path, $passfile); } else { return ''; } } else return $password; // return md5('DefaultP@sswordWhenNetworkError'); } function get_timezone($timezone = '8') { global $timezones; if ($timezone == '') $timezone = '8'; return $timezones[$timezone]; } function message($message, $title = 'Message', $statusCode = 200, $wainstat = 0) { $html = ' ' . getconstStr('Back') . getconstStr('Home') . '

' . $title . '

'; if ($wainstat) { $html .= '
'; } else { $html .= ' '; } $html .= ' '; return output($html, $statusCode); } function needUpdate() { global $slash; $current_version = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . $slash . 'version'); $current_ver = substr($current_version, strpos($current_version, '.') + 1); $current_ver = explode(urldecode('%0A'), $current_ver)[0]; $current_ver = explode(urldecode('%0D'), $current_ver)[0]; $split = splitfirst($current_version, '.' . $current_ver)[0] . '.' . $current_ver; if (!($github_version = getcache('github_version'))) { //$tmp = curl('GET', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php/master/version'); $tmp = curl('GET', 'https://git.hit.edu.cn/ysun/OneManager-php/-/raw/master/version'); if ($tmp['stat'] == 0) return 0; $github_version = $tmp['body']; savecache('github_version', $github_version); } $github_ver = substr($github_version, strpos($github_version, '.') + 1); $github_ver = explode(urldecode('%0A'), $github_ver)[0]; $github_ver = explode(urldecode('%0D'), $github_ver)[0]; if ($current_ver != $github_ver) { //$_SERVER['github_version'] = $github_version; $_SERVER['github_ver_new'] = splitfirst($github_version, $split)[0]; $_SERVER['github_ver_old'] = splitfirst($github_version, $_SERVER['github_ver_new'])[1]; return 1; } return 0; } function output($body, $statusCode = 200, $headers = ['Content-Type' => 'text/html'], $isBase64Encoded = false) { if (isset($_SERVER['Set-Cookie'])) $headers['Set-Cookie'] = $_SERVER['Set-Cookie']; if (baseclassofdrive() == 'Aliyundrive' || baseclassofdrive() == 'BaiduDisk') $headers['Referrer-Policy'] = 'no-referrer'; //$headers['Referrer-Policy'] = 'same-origin'; //$headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'sameorigin'; return [ 'isBase64Encoded' => $isBase64Encoded, 'statusCode' => $statusCode, 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $body ]; } function passhidden($path) { if ($_SERVER['admin']) return 0; //$path = str_replace('+','%2B',$path); //$path = str_replace('&','&', path_format(urldecode($path))); if (getConfig('passfile') != '') { //$path = spurlencode($path,'/'); //if (substr($path,-1)=='/') $path=substr($path,0,-1); $hiddenpass = gethiddenpass($path, getConfig('passfile')); if ($hiddenpass != '') { return comppass($hiddenpass); } else { return 1; } } else { return 0; } return 4; } function size_format($byte) { $i = 0; while (abs($byte) >= 1024) { $byte = $byte / 1024; $i++; if ($i == 4) break; } $units = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); $ret = round($byte, 2); return ($ret . ' ' . $units[$i]); } function time_format($ISO) { if ($ISO == '') return date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ISO = str_replace('T', ' ', $ISO); $ISO = str_replace('Z', ' ', $ISO); return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($ISO . " UTC")); } function adminform($name = '', $pass = '', $storage = '', $path = '') { $html = ' ' . getconstStr('AdminLogin') . ' '; if ($name == 'admin' && $pass != '') { $html .= ' ' . getconstStr('LoginSuccess') . ' '; $statusCode = 201; date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $_SERVER['Set-Cookie'] = $name . '=' . $pass . '; path=' . $_SERVER['base_path'] . '; expires=' . date(DATE_COOKIE, strtotime('+7day')); return output($html, $statusCode); } $statusCode = 401; $html .= '

' . getconstStr('InputPassword') . '

' . $name . '
'; $html .= ' '; $html .= ''; return output($html, $statusCode); } function adminoperate($path) { global $drive; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') if (!driveisfine($_SERVER['disktag'], $drive)) return output($_SERVER['disktag'] ? 'disk [ ' . $_SERVER['disktag'] . ' ] error.' : 'Not in drive', 403); $path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . '/' . $path); if (substr($path1, -1) == '/') $path1 = substr($path1, 0, -1); $tmpget = $_GET; $tmppost = $_POST; $tmparr['statusCode'] = 0; if (isset($tmpget['RefreshCache'])) { //$path1 = path_format($_SERVER['list_path'] . path_format($path)); //if ($path1!='/'&&substr($path1, -1)=='/') $path1=substr($path1, 0, -1); savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', '', $_SERVER['disktag'], 1); savecache('customTheme', '', '', 1); return message(' ', getconstStr('RefreshCache'), 202); } if ((isset($tmpget['rename_newname']) && $tmpget['rename_newname'] != $tmpget['rename_oldname'] && $tmpget['rename_newname'] != '') || (isset($tmppost['rename_newname']) && $tmppost['rename_newname'] != $tmppost['rename_oldname'] && $tmppost['rename_newname'] != '')) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['rename_newname'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // rename 重命名 $file['path'] = $path1; $file['name'] = ${$VAR}['rename_oldname']; $file['id'] = ${$VAR}['rename_fileid']; return $drive->Rename($file, ${$VAR}['rename_newname']); } if (isset($tmpget['delete_name']) || isset($tmppost['delete_name'])) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['delete_name'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // delete 删除 $file['path'] = $path1; $file['name'] = ${$VAR}['delete_name']; $file['id'] = ${$VAR}['delete_fileid']; return $drive->Delete($file); } if ((isset($tmpget['operate_action']) && $tmpget['operate_action'] == getconstStr('Encrypt')) || (isset($tmppost['operate_action']) && $tmppost['operate_action'] == getconstStr('Encrypt'))) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['operate_action'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // encrypt 加密 if (getConfig('passfile') == '') return message(getconstStr('SetpassfileBfEncrypt'), '', 403); if (${$VAR}['encrypt_folder'] == '/') ${$VAR}['encrypt_folder'] == ''; $folder['path'] = path_format($path1 . '/' . spurlencode(${$VAR}['encrypt_folder'], '/')); $folder['name'] = ${$VAR}['encrypt_folder']; $folder['id'] = ${$VAR}['encrypt_fileid']; return $drive->Encrypt($folder, getConfig('passfile'), ${$VAR}['encrypt_newpass']); } if (isset($tmpget['move_folder']) || isset($tmppost['move_folder'])) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['move_folder'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // move 移动 $moveable = 1; if ($path == '/' && ${$VAR}['move_folder'] == '/../') $moveable = 0; if (${$VAR}['move_folder'] == ${$VAR}['move_name']) $moveable = 0; if ($moveable) { $file['path'] = $path1; $file['name'] = ${$VAR}['move_name']; $file['id'] = ${$VAR}['move_fileid']; if (${$VAR}['move_folder'] == '/../') { $foldername = path_format('/' . urldecode($path1 . '/')); $foldername = substr($foldername, 0, -1); $foldername = splitlast($foldername, '/')[0]; } else $foldername = path_format('/' . urldecode($path1) . '/' . ${$VAR}['move_folder']); $folder['path'] = $foldername; $folder['name'] = ${$VAR}['move_folder']; $folder['id'] = ''; return $drive->Move($file, $folder); } else { return output('{"error":"' . getconstStr('CannotMove') . '"}', 403); } } if (isset($tmpget['copy_name']) || isset($tmppost['copy_name'])) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['copy_name'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // copy 复制 $file['path'] = $path1; $file['name'] = ${$VAR}['copy_name']; $file['id'] = ${$VAR}['copy_fileid']; return $drive->Copy($file); } if (isset($tmppost['editfile'])) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; // edit 编辑 $file['path'] = $path1; $file['name'] = ''; $file['id'] = ''; return $drive->Edit($file, $tmppost['editfile']); } if (isset($tmpget['create_name']) || isset($tmppost['create_name'])) { if (!compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) return ['statusCode' => 403]; if (isset($tmppost['create_name'])) $VAR = 'tmppost'; else $VAR = 'tmpget'; // create 新建 $parent['path'] = $path1; $parent['name'] = ''; $parent['id'] = ${$VAR}['create_fileid']; return $drive->Create($parent, ${$VAR}['create_type'], ${$VAR}['create_name'], ${$VAR}['create_text']); } return $tmparr; } function splitfirst($str, $split) { $len = strlen($split); $pos = strpos($str, $split); if ($pos === false) { $tmp[0] = $str; $tmp[1] = ''; } elseif ($pos > 0) { $tmp[0] = substr($str, 0, $pos); $tmp[1] = substr($str, $pos + $len); } else { $tmp[0] = ''; $tmp[1] = substr($str, $len); } if ($tmp[1] === false) $tmp[1] = ''; return $tmp; } function splitlast($str, $split) { $len = strlen($split); $pos = strrpos($str, $split); if ($pos === false) { $tmp[0] = $str; $tmp[1] = ''; } elseif ($pos > 0) { $tmp[0] = substr($str, 0, $pos); $tmp[1] = substr($str, $pos + $len); } else { $tmp[0] = ''; $tmp[1] = substr($str, $len); } if ($tmp[1] === false) $tmp[1] = ''; return $tmp; } function children_name($children) { $tmp = []; foreach ($children as $file) { $tmp[strtolower($file['name'])] = $file; } return $tmp; } function EnvOpt($needUpdate = 0) { global $constStr; global $EnvConfigs; global $timezones; global $slash; global $drive; global $platform; ksort($EnvConfigs); $disktags = explode('|', getConfig('disktag')); $envs = ''; //foreach ($EnvConfigs as $env => $v) if (isCommonEnv($env)) $envs .= '\'' . $env . '\', '; $envs = substr(json_encode(array_keys($EnvConfigs)), 1, -1); $html = 'OneManager ' . getconstStr('Setup') . ''; if (isset($_POST['updateProgram']) && $_POST['updateProgram'] == getconstStr('updateProgram')) if (compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) { $response = setConfigResponse(OnekeyUpate($_POST['GitSource'], $_POST['auth'], $_POST['project'], $_POST['branch'])); if (api_error($response)) { $html = api_error_msg($response); $title = 'Error'; return message($html, $title, 400); } else { //WaitSCFStat(); $html .= getconstStr('UpdateSuccess') . '
' . getconstStr('Back') . ''; $title = getconstStr('Setup'); return message($html, $title, 202, 1); } } else return message('please login again', 'Need login', 403); if (isset($_POST['submit1'])) if (compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) { $_SERVER['disk_oprating'] = ''; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { if (isShowedEnv($k) || $k == 'disktag_del' || $k == 'disktag_add' || $k == 'disktag_rename' || $k == 'disktag_copy' || $k == 'client_secret') { $tmp[$k] = $v; } if ($k == 'disktag_newname') { $v = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z|_]/i', '', $v); $f = substr($v, 0, 1); if (strlen($v) == 1) $v .= '_'; if (isCommonEnv($v)) { return message('Do not input ' . $envs . '
' . getconstStr('Back') . '', 'Error', 400); } elseif (!(('a' <= $f && $f <= 'z') || ('A' <= $f && $f <= 'Z'))) { return message('' . getconstStr('Back') . '', 'Please start with letters', 400); } elseif (getConfig($v)) { return message('' . getconstStr('Back') . '', 'Same tag', 400); } else { $tmp[$k] = $v; } } if ($k == 'disktag_sort') { $td = implode('|', json_decode($v)); if (strlen($td) == strlen(getConfig('disktag'))) $tmp['disktag'] = $td; else return message('Something wrong.', 'ERROR', 400); } if ($k == 'disk') $_SERVER['disk_oprating'] = $v; } /*if ($tmp['domain_path']!='') { $tmp1 = explode("|",$tmp['domain_path']); $tmparr = []; foreach ($tmp1 as $multidomain_paths){ $pos = strpos($multidomain_paths,":"); if ($pos>0) $tmparr[substr($multidomain_paths, 0, $pos)] = path_format(substr($multidomain_paths, $pos+1)); } $tmp['domain_path'] = $tmparr; }*/ $response = setConfigResponse(setConfig($tmp, $_SERVER['disk_oprating'])); if (api_error($response)) { $html = api_error_msg($response); $title = 'Error'; return message($html, $title, 409); } else { $html .= getconstStr('Success') . '!
' . getconstStr('Back') . ' '; $title = getconstStr('Setup'); return message($html, $title, 200, 1); } } else return message('please login again', 'Need login', 403); if (isset($_POST['config_b'])) if (compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) { if (!$_POST['pass']) return output("{\"Error\": \"No admin pass\"}", 403); if (!is_numeric($_POST['timestamp'])) return output("{\"Error\": \"Error time\"}", 403); if (abs(time() - $_POST['timestamp'] / 1000) > 5 * 60) return output("{\"Error\": \"Timeout\"}", 403); if ($_POST['pass'] == sha1(getConfig('admin') . $_POST['timestamp'])) { if ($_POST['config_b'] == 'export') { foreach ($EnvConfigs as $env => $v) { if (isCommonEnv($env)) { $value = getConfig($env); if ($value) $tmp[$env] = $value; } } foreach ($disktags as $disktag) { $d = getConfig($disktag); if ($d == '') { $d = ''; } elseif (gettype($d) == 'array') { $tmp[$disktag] = $d; } else { $tmp[$disktag] = json_decode($d, true); } } unset($tmp['admin']); return output(json_encode($tmp, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } if ($_POST['config_b'] == 'import') { if (!$_POST['config_t']) return output("{\"Error\": \"Empty config.\"}", 403); $c = '{' . splitfirst($_POST['config_t'], '{')[1]; $c = splitlast($c, '}')[0] . '}'; $tmp = json_decode($c, true); if (!!!$tmp) return output("{\"Error\": \"Config input error. " . $c . "\"}", 403); if (isset($tmp['disktag'])) $tmptag = $tmp['disktag']; foreach ($EnvConfigs as $env => $v) { if (isCommonEnv($env)) { if (isShowedEnv($env)) { if (getConfig($env) != '' && !isset($tmp[$env])) $tmp[$env] = ''; } else { unset($tmp[$env]); } } } if ($disktags) foreach ($disktags as $disktag) { if ($disktag != '' && !isset($tmp[$disktag])) $tmp[$disktag] = ''; } if ($tmptag) $tmp['disktag'] = $tmptag; $response = setConfigResponse(setConfig($tmp)); if (api_error($response)) { return output("{\"Error\": \"" . api_error_msg($response) . "\"}", 500); } else { return output("{\"Success\": \"Success\"}", 200); } } return output(json_encode($_POST), 500); } else { return output("{\"Error\": \"Admin pass error\"}", 403); } } else return message('please login again', 'Need login', 403); if (isset($_POST['changePass'])) if (compareadminmd5('admin', getConfig('admin'), $_COOKIE['admin'], $_POST['_admin'])) { if (!is_numeric($_POST['timestamp'])) return message("Error time" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); if (abs(time() - $_POST['timestamp'] / 1000) > 5 * 60) return message("Timeout" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); if ($_POST['newPass1'] == '' || $_POST['newPass2'] == '') return message("Empty new pass" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); if ($_POST['newPass1'] !== $_POST['newPass2']) return message("Twice new pass not the same" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); if ($_POST['newPass1'] == getConfig('admin')) return message("New pass same to old one" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); if ($_POST['oldPass'] == sha1(getConfig('admin') . $_POST['timestamp'])) { $tmp['admin'] = $_POST['newPass1']; $response = setConfigResponse(setConfig($tmp)); if (api_error($response)) { return message(api_error_msg($response) . "" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); } else { return message("Success" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Success", 200, 1); } } else { return message("Old pass error" . getconstStr('Back') . "", "Error", 403); } } else return message('please login again', 'Need login', 403); $html .= ' ' . getconstStr('Back') . '
'; if ($_GET['setup'] === 'cmd') { $statusCode = 200; $html .= ' OneManager DIR: ' . __DIR__ . '

'; if ($_POST['cmd'] != '') { $html .= '
            passthru($_POST['cmd'], $cmdstat);
            $html .= '
stat: ' . $cmdstat . '

            if ($cmdstat > 0) $statusCode = 400;
            if ($cmdstat === 1) $statusCode = 403;
            if ($cmdstat === 127) $statusCode = 404;
            $html .= htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean());
            $html .= '
'; } $html .= ' '; return message($html, 'Run cmd', $statusCode); } if ($_GET['setup'] === 'auth') { return changeAuthKey(); } if ($_GET['setup'] === 'platform') { $frame = ' '; foreach ($EnvConfigs as $key => $val) if (isCommonEnv($key) && isShowedEnv($key)) { $frame .= ' '; }*/ else $frame .= ' '; $frame .= ' '; } $frame .= '
'; if ($key == 'timezone') { $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key]; } elseif ($key == 'theme') { $theme_arr = scandir(__DIR__ . $slash . 'theme'); $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key]; } elseif (isSwitchEnv($key)) { $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key]; } /*elseif ($key=='domain_path') { $tmp = getConfig($key); $domain_path = ''; foreach ($tmp as $k1 => $v1) { $domain_path .= $k1 . ':' . $v1 . '|'; } $domain_path = substr($domain_path, 0, -1); $frame .= '

'; } elseif (isset($_GET['disktag']) && $_GET['disktag'] !== true && in_array($_GET['disktag'], $disktags)) { $disktag = $_GET['disktag']; $disk_tmp = null; $diskok = driveisfine($disktag, $disk_tmp); $frame = '

'; if (getConfig('client_id', $disktag) && getConfig('client_secret', $disktag)) { $frame .= ' '; $frame .= ' '; } if ($diskok) { $frame .= ' '; foreach (extendShow_diskenv($disk_tmp) as $ext_env) { $frame .= ' '; } foreach ($EnvConfigs as $key => $val) if (isInnerEnv($key) && isShowedEnv($key)) { $frame .= ' '; } $frame .= ' '; } else { $frame .= ' '; } $frame .= '
Driver ' . getConfig('Driver', $disktag); if ($diskok) $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('ChangeDrivetype') . ''; $frame .= '
client_id ' . getConfig('client_id', $disktag) . '
diskSpace' . $disk_tmp->getDiskSpace() . '
' . $ext_env . ' ' . getConfig($ext_env, $disktag) . '
'; if ($key == 'diskDisplay') { $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key]; } elseif (isSwitchEnv($key)) { $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('EnvironmentsDescription')[$key]; } else { $frame .= ' '; } $frame .= '
' . ($disk_tmp->error['body'] ? $disk_tmp->error['stat'] . '
' . $disk_tmp->error['body'] : 'Add this disk again.') . '
'; } else { if (count($disktags) > 1) { $frame = ' ' . getconstStr('DragSort') . ':
'; $num = 0; foreach ($disktags as $disktag) { if ($disktag != '') { $num++; $frame .= ' '; } } $frame .= '
' . $num . ' ' . $disktag . '

'; } $Driver_arr = scandir(__DIR__ . $slash . 'disk'); $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('AddDisk') . '

'; $canOneKeyUpate = 0; if ('Normal' != $platform) { $canOneKeyUpate = 1; } else { $tmp = time(); if (mkdir('' . $tmp, 0777)) { rmdir('' . $tmp); $canOneKeyUpate = 1; } } $frame .= ' Github HIT Gitlab

'; if (!$canOneKeyUpate) { $frame .= ' ' . getconstStr('CannotOneKeyUpate') . '
'; } else { $frame .= '
Update from
'; } if ($needUpdate) { $frame .= '
' . str_replace("\n", '
', $_SERVER['github_ver_new']) . '
'; }/* else { $frame .= getconstStr('NotNeedUpdate'); }*/ $frame .= '

' . getconstStr('OldPassword') . ':
' . getconstStr('NewPassword') . ':
' . getconstStr('ReInput') . ':

' . getconstStr('AdminPassword') . ':
' . getconstStr('config') . ':

'; } $html .= '
'; if ($_GET['disktag'] == '' || $_GET['disktag'] === true || !in_array($_GET['disktag'], $disktags)) { if ($_GET['setup'] === 'platform') $html .= ' ' . getconstStr('Home') . ' ' . getconstStr('PlatformConfig') . ''; else $html .= ' ' . getconstStr('Home') . ' ' . getconstStr('PlatformConfig') . ''; } else $html .= ' ' . getconstStr('Home') . ' ' . getconstStr('PlatformConfig') . ''; foreach ($disktags as $disktag) { if ($disktag != '') { if ($_GET['disktag'] === $disktag) $html .= ' ' . $disktag . ''; else $html .= ' ' . $disktag . ''; } } $html .= '

'; $html .= $frame; $html .= ''; return message($html, getconstStr('Setup')); } function render_list($path = '', $files = []) { global $exts; global $constStr; global $slash; if (isset($files['list']['index.html']) && !$_SERVER['admin']) { $htmlcontent = get_content(path_format($path . '/index.html'))['content']; return output($htmlcontent['body'], $htmlcontent['stat']); } if (isset($files['list']['index.htm']) && !$_SERVER['admin']) { $htmlcontent = get_content(path_format($path . '/index.htm'))['content']; return output($htmlcontent['body'], $htmlcontent['stat']); } //$path = str_replace('%20','%2520',$path); //$path = str_replace('+','%2B',$path); $path1 = path_format(urldecode($path)); //$path = str_replace('&','&', $path) ; //$path = str_replace('%20',' ',$path); //$path = str_replace('#','%23',$path); $p_path = ''; if ($path1 !== '/') { if ($files['type'] == 'file') { if (isset($files['name'])) { $pretitle = str_replace('&', '&', $files['name']); } else { if (substr($path1, 0, 1) == '/') $pretitle = substr($path1, 1); if (substr($path1, -1) == '/') $pretitle = substr($pretitle, 0, -1); $pretitle = str_replace('&', '&', $pretitle); } $n_path = $pretitle; $tmp = splitlast(splitlast($path1, '/')[0], '/'); if ($tmp[1] == '') { $p_path = $tmp[0]; } else { $p_path = $tmp[1]; } } else { if (substr($path1, 0, 1) == '/') $pretitle = substr($path1, 1); if (substr($path1, -1) == '/') $pretitle = substr($pretitle, 0, -1); $pretitle = str_replace('&', '&', $pretitle); $tmp = splitlast($pretitle, '/'); if ($tmp[1] == '') { $n_path = $tmp[0]; } else { $n_path = $tmp[1]; $tmp = splitlast($tmp[0], '/'); if ($tmp[1] == '') { $p_path = $tmp[0]; } else { $p_path = $tmp[1]; } } } } else { $pretitle = getconstStr('Home'); $n_path = $pretitle; } $n_path = str_replace('&', '&', $n_path); $p_path = str_replace('&', '&', $p_path); //$pretitle = str_replace('%23','#',$pretitle); $statusCode = 200; date_default_timezone_set(get_timezone($_SERVER['timezone'])); $authinfo = ' '; //$authinfo = $path . '
' . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
'; //if (isset($_COOKIE['theme'])&&$_COOKIE['theme']!='') $theme = $_COOKIE['theme']; //if ( !file_exists(__DIR__ . $slash .'theme' . $slash . $theme) ) $theme = ''; if ($_SERVER['admin']) $theme = 'classic.html'; if ($theme == '') { $tmp = getConfig('customTheme'); if ($tmp != '') $theme = $tmp; } if ($theme == '') { $theme = getConfig('theme'); if ($theme == '' || !file_exists(__DIR__ . $slash . 'theme' . $slash . $theme)) $theme = 'classic.html'; } if (substr($theme, -4) == '.php') { @ob_start(); include 'theme/' . $theme; $html = ob_get_clean(); } else { if (file_exists(__DIR__ . $slash . 'theme' . $slash . $theme)) { $file_path = __DIR__ . $slash . 'theme' . $slash . $theme; $html = file_get_contents($file_path); } else { if (!($html = getcache('customTheme'))) { $file_path = $theme; $tmp = curl('GET', $file_path, '', [], 1, 1); //error_log1($file_path . " =+= " . json_encode($tmp)); if ($tmp['stat'] == 200) { $html = $tmp['body']; savecache('customTheme', $html, '', 9999); } else { $html = "
"; } } } $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $IconValues = json_decode($tmp[0], true); $html .= $tmp[1]; if (!$files) { //$html = '
' . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '
' . $html; $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } if ($_SERVER['admin']) { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Operate'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Create'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Encrypt'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('RefreshCache'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Setup'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Logout'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Rename'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Submit'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Delete'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Copy'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Move'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Folder'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('File'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Name'), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Content'), $html); } else { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } if (getConfig('adminloginpage') == '') { while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } else { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } if ($_SERVER['ishidden'] < 4 || ($files['type'] == 'file' && getConfig('downloadencrypt', $_SERVER['disktag']))) { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } } else { // 加密状态 if (getConfig('useBasicAuth')) { // use Basic Auth return output('Need password.', 401, ['WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="Secure Area"']); } /*$tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1]!='') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; }*/ $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Download'), $html); if ($_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] && !$_SERVER['admin']) { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } else { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } } $DriverFile = scandir(__DIR__ . $slash . 'disk'); $Driver_arr = null; foreach ($DriverFile as $v1) { if ($v1 != '.' && $v1 != '..') { $v1 = splitlast($v1, '.php')[0]; $Driver_arr[] = $v1; } } if ($_SERVER['is_guestup_path'] || ($_SERVER['admin'] && $files['type'] == 'folder' && $_SERVER['ishidden'] < 4)) { $now_driver = baseclassofdrive(); if ($now_driver) { while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); unset($Driver_arr[$now_driver]); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } else { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } foreach ($Driver_arr as $driver) { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Calculate'), $html); } else { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } foreach ($Driver_arr as $driver) { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } } if ($files['type'] == 'file') { while (strpos($html, '')) { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } //$html = str_replace('', encode_str_replace(path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path)), $html); $html = str_replace('', encode_str_replace(splitlast($path1, '/')[1]), $html); $html = str_replace('', (path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path1)), $html); $ext = strtolower(substr($path, strrpos($path, '.') + 1)); if (in_array($ext, $exts['img'])) $ext = 'img'; elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['video'])) $ext = 'video'; elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['music'])) $ext = 'music'; //elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['pdf'])) $ext = 'pdf'; elseif ($ext == 'pdf') $ext = 'pdf'; elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['office'])) $ext = 'office'; elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['txt'])) $ext = 'txt'; else $ext = 'Other'; $previewext = ['img', 'video', 'music', 'pdf', 'office', 'txt', 'Other']; $previewext = array_diff($previewext, [$ext]); foreach ($previewext as $ext1) { $tmp[1] = 'a'; while ($tmp[1] != '') { $tmp = splitfirst($html, ''); $html = $tmp[0]; $tmp = splitfirst($tmp[1], ''); $html .= $tmp[1]; } } while (strpos($html, '')) { $html = str_replace('', '', $html); $html = str_replace('', '', $html); } //while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', $files['url'], $html); //while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', (path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path)), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', encode_str_replace(splitlast($path1, '/')[1]), $html); //echo $path . "
\n"; //while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', (path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . str_replace('&', '&', $path))), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', encode_str_replace(splitlast($path1, '/')[1]), $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', $files['name'], $html); while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', urlencode($files['url']), $html); //while (strpos($html, '')) $html = str_replace('', urlencode($_SERVER['host'] . path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path)), $html); $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('ClicktoEdit'), $html); $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('CancelEdit'), $html); $html = str_replace('', getconstStr('Save'), $html); if (strpos($html, '')) { //$tmp_content = get_content(spurlencode(path_format(urldecode($path)), '/'))['content']['body']; $tmp_content = $files['content']['body']; //if (strlen($tmp_content)==$files['size']) $html = str_replace('', htmlspecialchars($tmp_content), $html); //else $html = str_replace('', $files['size']<1024*1024?htmlspecialchars(curl('GET', $files['url'], '', [], 0, 1)['body']):"File too large: " . $files['size'] . 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'/' . str_replace('&', '&', $path) . 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'/' . str_replace('&', '&', $path) . '/' . $file['name'])), $FolderListStr); while (strpos($FolderListStr, '')) $FolderListStr = str_replace('', encode_str_replace($file['name']), $FolderListStr); $FolderListStr = str_replace('', $ext, $FolderListStr); if (in_array($ext, $exts['music'])) $FolderListStr = str_replace('', 'audio', $FolderListStr); elseif (in_array($ext, $exts['video'])) $FolderListStr = str_replace('', 'iframe', $FolderListStr); else $FolderListStr = str_replace('', '', $FolderListStr); $FolderListStr = str_replace('', str_replace('&', '&', $file['name']), $FolderListStr); $FolderListStr = str_replace('', $file['id'], $FolderListStr); //$FolderListStr = str_replace('', path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . 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