disktag = $tag;
$this->redirect_uri = 'https://scfonedrive.github.io/';
if (getConfig('client_id', $tag) && getConfig('client_secret', $tag)) {
$this->appName = 'OneManager';
$this->client_id = getConfig('client_id', $tag);
$this->client_secret = getConfig('client_secret', $tag);
} else {
$this->appName = 'OneManager';
$this->client_id = 'knLn7Z8S1YkjIKdjXGr1pBOAuSLGNMbr';
$this->client_secret = 'BC4M3sLexAfjKUPUdgT3YGhT0dgV5X8t';
$this->oauth_url = 'http://openapi.baidu.com/oauth/2.0/';
$this->api_url = 'https://pan.baidu.com/rest/2.0/xpan/';
$this->scope = 'basic,netdisk';
$this->client_secret = urlencode($this->client_secret);
$this->scope = urlencode($this->scope);
$this->DownurlStrName = 'dlink';
$this->ext_api_url = '';
$res = $this->get_access_token(getConfig('refresh_token', $tag));
public function isfine()
if (!$this->access_token) return false;
else return true;
public function show_base_class()
return get_class();
//$tmp[0] = get_class();
//$tmp[1] = get_class($this);
//return $tmp;
public function ext_show_innerenv()
return [];
public function list_files($path = '/')
global $exts;
if ($path=='') $path = '/';
//echo 'path: ' . $path . "
if (!($files = getcache('path_' . $path, $this->disktag))) {
/*$pos = splitlast($path, '/');
$parentpath = $pos[0];
if ($parentpath=='') $parentpath = '/';
$filename = strtolower($pos[1]);
if ($parentfiles = getcache('path_' . $parentpath, $this->disktag)) {
if (isset($parentfiles['children'][$filename][$this->DownurlStrName])) {
if (in_array(splitlast($filename,'.')[1], $exts['txt'])) {
if (!(isset($parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content'])&&$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content']['stat']==200)) {
//$content1 = curl('GET', $parentfiles['children'][$filename][$this->DownurlStrName]);
//$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content'] = $content1;
//savecache('path_' . $parentpath, $parentfiles, $this->disktag);
if ($parentfiles['children'][$filename]['size']<1024*1024) {
if (!(isset($parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content'])&&$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content']['stat']==200)) {
$content1 = curl('GET', $parentfiles['children'][$filename][$this->DownurlStrName]);
$tmp = null;
$tmp = json_decode(json_encode($content1), true);
if ($tmp['body']===null) {
$txtcode = chkTxtCode($content1['body']);
if ($txtcode!==false) $tmp['body'] = iconv($txtcode, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $content1['body']);
$tmp = json_decode(json_encode($tmp), true);
if ($tmp['body']) $content1['body'] = $tmp['body'];
$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content'] = $content1;
savecache('path_' . $path, $parentfiles['children'][$filename], $this->disktag);
} else {
$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content']['stat'] = 202;
$parentfiles['children'][$filename]['content']['body'] = 'File too large.';
return $this->files_format($parentfiles['children'][$filename]);
$url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url;
//$url .= 'file?method=list&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&dir=' . $path;
$url .= 'multimedia?method=listall&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&path=' . $path . '&web=1';
$p = 0;
while ($p<3 && !$arr['stat']) {
$arr = curl('GET', $url);
$p ++;
//echo $url . '
外' . $arr['stat'] . '
' . json_encode(json_decode($arr['body']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; //echo $arr['body']; if ($arr['stat']==200) { $files = json_decode($arr['body'], true); //echo '
' . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; if ($files['errno']==-9) { $files['error']['stat'] = 404; $files['error']['code'] = 'Not Found'; $files['error']['message'] = 'NO such file or folder';//errmsg } elseif ($files['errno']==-7) { $files['error']['stat'] = 403; $files['error']['code'] = 'Forbidden'; $files['error']['message'] = '';//errmsg } elseif ($files['errno']===0) { //echo '
正常:' . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; if ($files['list']) { // have item, is folder if ($files['folder']['childCount']>200) { // files num > 200 , then get nextlink $page = $_POST['pagenum']==''?1:$_POST['pagenum']; if ($page>1) //if (!($files = getcache('path_1' . $path . '_' . $page, $this->disktag))) { $children = $this->fetch_files_children($path, $page); //echo '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; $files['children'] = $children['value']; //$files['children'] = children_name($files['children']); $files['folder']['page'] = $page; //savecache('path_' . $path . '_' . $page, $files, $this->disktag); } } else { // files num < 200 , then cache //if (isset($files['children'])) { //$files['list'] = children_name($files['list']); //} savecache('path_' . $path, $files, $this->disktag); } } else { // no item, theck isdir $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $fs = $this->list_files(splitlast($path, '/')[0])['list'][strtolower(urldecode(splitlast($path, '/')[1]))]; //var_dump($fs); if ($fs['type']=='folder') { // is empty folder //savecache('path_' . $path, $fs, $this->disktag); $files = $fs; } else { // is file $fsid = $fs['id'];//var_dump($fsid); //$fsid = $this->list_files(splitlast($path, '/')[0])['list'][splitlast($path, '/')[1]]; //echo 'ID: ' . $fsid . "
' . json_encode(json_decode($arr['body']), 448) . ''; if ($arr['stat']==200) { $files = json_decode($arr['body'], true)['list'][0]; $files['url'] = curl('GET', $files[$this->DownurlStrName] . '&access_token=' . $this->access_token, '', ['User-Agent'=>'pan.baidu.com'], 1)['returnhead']['Location']; $files['list'] = ''; if (isset($fs['thumbs'])) $files['thumbs'] = $fs['thumbs']; //echo strtolower(splitlast($files['filename'],'.')[1]) . '进'; if (in_array(strtolower(splitlast($files['filename'],'.')[1]), $exts['txt'])) { if ($files['size']<1024*1024) { //echo '进1'; if (!(isset($files['content'])&&$files['content']['stat']==200)) { $content1 = curl('GET', $files['url']); $tmp = null; $tmp = json_decode(json_encode($content1), true); if ($tmp['body']===null) { $txtcode = chkTxtCode($content1['body']); if ($txtcode!==false) $tmp['body'] = iconv($txtcode, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $content1['body']); $tmp = json_decode(json_encode($tmp), true); if ($tmp['body']) $content1['body'] = $tmp['body']; } $files['content'] = $content1; } } else { $files['content']['stat'] = 202; $files['content']['body'] = 'File too large.'; } } if ($files['url']) savecache('path_' . $path, $files, $this->disktag); } elseif ($arr['stat']==0) { $files['error']['stat'] = 0; $files['error']['code'] = 'Network error'; $files['error']['message'] = 'Can not connect to ' . substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?')); } } } } else { $files['error']['stat'] = 500; $files['error']['code'] = 'Other error'; $files['error']['message'] = $arr . "~
format前' . json_encode($files, 448) . ''; return $this->files_format($files); } protected function files_format($files) { if (isset($files['list'])) { if ($files['list']) { $tmp['type'] = 'folder'; //$tmp['id'] = $files['id']; //$tmp['name'] = $files['name']; //$tmp['time'] = $files['lastModifiedDateTime']; //$tmp['size'] = $files['size']; //$tmp['childcount'] = $files['folder']['childCount']; //$tmp['page'] = $files['folder']['page']; foreach ($files['list'] as $file) { $filename = strtolower($file['server_filename']); if (!$file['isdir']) { $tmp['list'][$filename]['type'] = 'file'; //var_dump($file); //echo $file['name'] . ':' . $this->DownurlStrName . ':' . $file[$this->DownurlStrName] . PHP_EOL; //$tmp['list'][$filename]['url'] = $file[$this->DownurlStrName]; $tmp['list'][$filename]['mime'] = $file['file']['mimeType']; } elseif ($file['isdir']) { $tmp['list'][$filename]['type'] = 'folder'; } $tmp['list'][$filename]['id'] = $file['fs_id']; $tmp['list'][$filename]['name'] = $file['server_filename']; $tmp['list'][$filename]['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file['server_mtime']); $tmp['list'][$filename]['size'] = $file['size']; if (isset($file['thumbs'])) $tmp['list'][$filename]['thumbs'] = $file['thumbs']; } } else { $tmp['type'] = 'file'; $tmp['id'] = $files['fs_id']; $tmp['name'] = $files['filename']; $tmp['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $files['server_mtime']); $tmp['size'] = $files['size']; $tmp['mime'] = $files['file']['mimeType']; $tmp['url'] = $files['url'];//$files[$this->DownurlStrName]; if (isset($files['content'])) $tmp['content'] = $files['content']; if (isset($files['thumbs'])) $tmp['thumbs'] = $files['thumbs']; } } elseif (isset($files['type']) || isset($files['error'])) { //echo '
' . json_encode($files, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; return $files; } //error_log1(json_encode($tmp)); //echo '
' . json_encode($tmp, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; return $tmp; } protected function fetch_files_children($path, $page, $getNextlink = false) { $children = getcache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page, $this->disktag); if (!$children) { $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; if ($path !== '/') { $url .= ':' . $path; if (substr($url,-1)=='/') $url=substr($url,0,-1); $url .= ':'; } $url .= '/children?$top=' . ($page-1)*200 . '&$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,' . $this->DownurlStrName; $children_tmp = json_decode($this->MSAPI('GET', $url)['body'], true); //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children_tmp, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; $p = 1; $i = 0; foreach ($children_tmp['value'] as $child) { $i++; $value_name = 'child_' . $p; ${$value_name}['value'][] = $child; if ($i==200) { savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $p, ${$value_name}, $this->disktag); unset(${$value_name}); $i = 0; $p++; } } $url = $children_tmp['@odata.nextLink']; $children_tmp = json_decode($this->MSAPI('GET', $url)['body'], true); //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children_tmp, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; $p = $page; $i = 0; foreach ($children_tmp['value'] as $child) { $i++; $value_name = 'child_' . $p; ${$value_name}['value'][] = $child; if ($i==200) { savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $p, ${$value_name}, $this->disktag); //unset(${$value_name}); $i = 0; $p++; } } if ($i!=0) savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $p, ${$value_name}, $this->disktag); $value_name = 'child_' . $page; return ${$value_name}; } return $children; /*if ($getNextlink) { if (isset($children['@odata.nextLink'])) { return $children; } else { if ($page*200>9800) { $children_tmp = fetch_files_children($path, floor($page/49)*49, 1); $url = $children_tmp['@odata.nextLink']; $children = json_decode(curl('GET', $url, false, ['Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $this->access_token])['body'], true); } } }*/ } protected function fetch_files_children1($files, $path, $page) { $maxpage = ceil($files['folder']['childCount']/200); if (!($children = getcache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page, $this->disktag))) { $pageinfochange=0; for ($page1=$page;$page1>=1;$page1--) { $page3=$page1-1; $url = getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page3, $this->disktag); if ($url == '') { if ($page1==1) { $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; if ($path !== '/') { $url .= ':' . $path; if (substr($url,-1)=='/') $url=substr($url,0,-1); $url .= ':'; } $url .= '/children?$select=id,name,size,file,folder,parentReference,lastModifiedDateTime,'.$this->DownurlStrName; $children = json_decode($this->MSAPI('GET', $url)['body'], true); // echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1, $children, $this->disktag); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1, $this->disktag); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1, $children['@odata.nextLink'], $this->disktag); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page1] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page1,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; for ($page2=$page1+1;$page2<=$page;$page2++) { sleep(1); $children = json_decode($this->MSAPI('GET', $url)['body'], true); savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children, $this->disktag); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $this->disktag); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['@odata.nextLink'], $this->disktag); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page2,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; } //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; return $children; /* $files['children'] = $children['value']; $files['folder']['page']=$page; $pageinfocache['filenum'] = $files['folder']['childCount']; $pageinfocache['dirsize'] = $files['size']; $pageinfocache['cachesize'] = $cachefile['size']; $pageinfocache['size'] = $files['size']-$cachefile['size']; if ($pageinfochange == 1) $this->MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path.'/'.$cachefilename), json_encode($pageinfocache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))['body']; return $files;*/ } } else { for ($page2=$page3+1;$page2<=$page;$page2++) { sleep(1); $children = json_decode($this->MSAPI('GET', $url)['body'], true); savecache('files_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children, $this->disktag, 3300); $nextlink=getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $this->disktag); if ($nextlink!=$children['@odata.nextLink']) { savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2, $children['@odata.nextLink'], $this->disktag, 3300); $pageinfocache['nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page2] = $children['@odata.nextLink']; $pageinfocache = clearbehindvalue($path,$page2,$maxpage,$pageinfocache); $pageinfochange = 1; } $url = $children['@odata.nextLink']; } //echo $url . '
' . json_encode($children, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . ''; return $children; /*$files['children'] = $children['value']; $files['folder']['page']=$page; $pageinfocache['filenum'] = $files['folder']['childCount']; $pageinfocache['dirsize'] = $files['size']; $pageinfocache['cachesize'] = $cachefile['size']; $pageinfocache['size'] = $files['size']-$cachefile['size']; if ($pageinfochange == 1) $this->MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path.'/'.$cachefilename), json_encode($pageinfocache, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))['body']; return $files;*/ } } }/* else { $files['folder']['page']=$page; for ($page4=1;$page4<=$maxpage;$page4++) { if (!($url = getcache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4, $this->disktag))) { if ($files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4]!='') savecache('nextlink_' . $path . '_page_' . $page4, $files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4], $this->disktag); } else { $files['folder'][$path.'_'.$page4] = $url; } } }*/ return $children; //return $files; } public function Rename($file, $newname) { $oldname = spurlencode($file['name']); $oldname = path_format($file['path'] . '/' . $oldname); $data = 'async=1'; $data .= '&filelist=[{"path":"' . $oldname . '","newname":"' . $newname . '"}]'; $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=filemanager&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&opera=rename'; $result = curl('POST', $url, $data); if (json_decode($result['body'], true)['errno']===0) return output('{"name":"' . $newname . '"}', 200); else return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); //return output(json_encode($this->files_format(json_decode($result['body'], true))), $result['stat']); } public function Delete($file) { $filename = spurlencode($file['name']); $filename = path_format($file['path'] . '/' . $filename); $data = 'async=1'; $data .= '&filelist=["' . $filename . '"]'; $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=filemanager&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&opera=delete'; $result = curl('POST', $url, $data); if (json_decode($result['body'], true)['errno']===0) return output('', 204); else return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); } public function Encrypt($folder, $passfilename, $pass) { $result = $this->Create($folder, 'file', $passfilename, $pass); $path1 = $folder['path']; if ($path1!='/'&&substr($path1, -1)=='/') $path1 = substr($path1, 0, -1); savecache('path_' . $path1 . '/?password', '', $this->disktag, 1); return output(json_encode($this->files_format(json_decode($result['body'], true))), $result['stat']); //return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); } public function Move($file, $folder, $replace = 'fail') { $filename = spurlencode($file['name']); $filename = path_format($file['path'] . '/' . $filename); $data = 'async=1'; $data .= '&filelist=[{"path":"' . $filename . '","dest":"' . $folder['path'] . '","newname":"' . $file['name'] . '","ondup":"' . $replace . '"}]'; error_log1('data in MOVE: ' . $data); $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=filemanager&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&opera=move'; $result = curl('POST', $url, $data); if (!$result['stat']) $result['stat'] = 501; $path2 = spurlencode($folder['path'], '/'); if ($path2!='/'&&substr($path2, -1)=='/') $path2 = substr($path2, 0, -1); savecache('path_' . $path2, json_decode('{}', true), $this->disktag, 1); if (json_decode($result['body'], true)['errno']===0) return ['stat'=>200, 'body'=>'{"errno":0,"name":"' . $file['name'] . '"}']; else return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); //return output(json_encode($this->files_format(json_decode($result['body'], true))), $result['stat']); return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); } public function Copy($file) { $filename = spurlencode($file['name']); $filename = path_format($file['path'] . '/' . $filename); $data = 'async=0'; $data .= '&filelist=[{"path":"' . $filename . '","dest":"' . $file['path'] . '","newname":"' . $file['name'] . '","ondup":"newcopy"}]'; $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=filemanager&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&opera=copy'; while ($p<3 && !$result['stat']) { $result = curl('POST', $url, $data); $p++; } /*$namearr = splitlast($file['name'], '.'); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); if ($namearr[0]!='') { $newname = $namearr[0] . ' (' . date("Ymd\THis\Z") . ')'; if ($namearr[1]!='') $newname .= '.' . $namearr[1]; } else { $newname = '.' . $namearr[1] . ' (' . date("Ymd\THis\Z") . ')'; } $data = '{ "name": "' . $newname . '" }'; if ($file['id']) $result = $this->MSAPI('copy', "/items/" . $file['id'], $data); else $result = $this->MSAPI('copy', $filename, $data); $num = 0; while ($result['stat']==409 && json_decode($result['body'], true)['error']['code']=='nameAlreadyExists') { $num++; if ($namearr[0]!='') { $newname = $namearr[0] . ' (' . getconstStr('Copy') . ' ' . $num . ')'; if ($namearr[1]!='') $newname .= '.' . $namearr[1]; } else { $newname = '.' . $namearr[1] . ' ('.getconstStr('Copy'). ' ' . $num .')'; } //$newname = spurlencode($newname); $data = '{ "name": "' . $newname . '" }'; $result = $this->MSAPI('copy', $filename, $data); }*/ if (json_decode($result['body'], true)['errno']===0) return output('{"name":"' . $file['name'] . '"}', 200); else return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); //return output(json_encode($this->files_format(json_decode($result['body'], true))), $result['stat']); //return output($url . "\n" . $data . "\n" . $result['body'], $result['stat']); } public function Edit($file, $content) { /*TXT一般不会超过4M,不用二段上传 $filename = $path1 . ':/createUploadSession'; $response=MSAPI('POST',$filename,'{"item": { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace" }}',$_SERVER['access_token']); $uploadurl=json_decode($response,true)['uploadUrl']; echo MSAPI('PUT',$uploadurl,$data,$_SERVER['access_token']);*/ $result = $this->MSAPI('PUT', $file['path'], $content); //return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); //echo $result; $resultarry = json_decode($result['body'],true); if (isset($resultarry['error'])) return message($resultarry['error']['message']. '
' . json_encode($result, 448) . ''; if ($result['stat']==200 && json_decode($result['body'],true)['errno']==0) { $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); if ($res['return_type']==2) { //已有,秒传? error_log1('Rapid_upload'); $a = 1; } else { $result = $this->partUpload($res['path'], $res['uploadid'], 0, $content); if ($result['stat']==200 && json_decode($result['body'],true)['md5']) { $md5 = json_decode($result['body'], true)['md5']; $info['path'] = $res['path']; $info['size'] = $file['size']; $info['md5s'] = '["' . $md5 . '"]'; $info['uploadid'] = $res['uploadid']; $result = $this->completeUpload($info); if ($result['stat']==200 && json_decode($result['body'],true)['errno']==0) { $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); if (substr($res['path'], 0, strlen($res['path'])-strlen($res['server_filename']))!=$parent['path']) { $result = $this->Move(['name'=>$res['server_filename'],'path'=>spurlencode(substr($res['path'], 0, strlen($res['path'])-strlen($res['server_filename'])), '/')], ['path'=>$parent['path']], 'overwrite'); $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); if ($res['errno']===0) { $name1 = splitfirst(splitfirst($parent['path'],'/')[1],'/')[0]; //echo 'deleting ' . $name1; $this->Delete(['name'=>$name1, 'path'=>'/apps/' . $this->appName . '/']); } else { $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); $res['OMmsg'] = 'err in Move.'; $result['body'] = json_encode($res); } } } else { $res1 = json_decode($result['body'], true); $res1['OMmsg'] = 'err in completeUpload.'; $res1['preCreate_result'] = $res; $result['body'] = json_encode($res1); } } else { $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); $res['OMmsg'] = 'err in partUpload.'; $result['body'] = json_encode($res); } } } else { $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); $res['OMmsg'] = 'err in preCreate.'; $result['body'] = json_encode($res); } } if ($type=='folder') { $file['path'] = urldecode($parent['path']) . '/' . $name; $file['size'] = strlen($content); //$file['md5s'] = '["' . md5($content) . '"]'; $result = $this->completeUpload($file, 1); } if ($result['stat']===0) $result['stat'] = 501; //savecache('path_' . $path1, json_decode('{}',true), $_SERVER['disktag'], 1); //return output(json_encode($this->files_format(json_decode($result['body'], true))), $result['stat']); return output($result['body'], $result['stat']); } private function preCreate($file, $isdir = 0) { $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=precreate&access_token=' . $this->access_token; //error_log1('url: ' . $url); if (substr($file['path'],0,17)==='/apps/' . $this->appName . '/') $path = $file['path']; else $path = '/apps/' . $this->appName . '/' . $file['path']; $data['path'] = path_format($path . '/' . urlencode($file['name'])); $data['size'] = $file['size']; $data['isdir'] = $isdir; $data['block_list'] = $file['md5s']; $data['autoinit'] = 1; $data['rtype'] = 3; // 0: fail, 1: rename, 2: rename when not same, 3: overlay foreach ($data as $key => $value) $formdata .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value; $formdata = substr($formdata, 1); error_log1('data: ' . $formdata); while ($p<3 && !$result['stat']) { $result = curl('POST', $url, $formdata); $p++; } error_log1('res_pre: ' . json_encode($result)); return $result; } private function partUpload($path, $uploadid, $partnum, $content) { $url = 'https://d.pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/superfile2?method=upload&access_token=' . $this->access_token . '&type=tmpfile&path=' . $path . '&uploadid=' . $uploadid . '&partseq=' . $partnum; $file = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $uploadid . '_' . $partnum; file_put_contents($file, $content); $data['file'] = '@' . $file; while ($p<3 && !$result['stat']) { $result = curl('POST', $url, $data, ['content-type'=>'multipart/form-data']); $p++; } error_log1('res_uping: ' . json_encode($result)); file_put_contents($file, ''); return $result; } private function completeUpload($info, $isdir = 0) { $url = $this->api_url . $this->ext_api_url; $url .= 'file?method=create&access_token=' . $this->access_token; //error_log1('url: ' . $url); $data['path'] = urlencode($info['path']); //$data['path'] = $info['path']; $data['size'] = $info['size']; $data['isdir'] = $isdir; $data['block_list'] = $info['md5s']; $data['uploadid'] = $info['uploadid']; $data['rtype'] = 3; // 0: fail, 1: rename, 2: rename when not same, 3: overlay foreach ($data as $key => $value) $formdata .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value; $formdata = substr($formdata, 1); error_log1('data: ' . $formdata); while ($p<3 && !$result['stat']) { $result = curl('POST', $url, $formdata); $p++; } error_log1('res_comp: ' . json_encode($result)); return $result; } public function AddDisk() { global $constStr; global $EnvConfigs; $envs = ''; foreach ($EnvConfigs as $env => $v) if (isCommonEnv($env)) $envs .= '\'' . $env . '\', '; $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //$this->api_url = splitfirst($_SERVER['api_url'], '/v1.0')[0] . '/v1.0'; if (isset($_GET['Finish'])) { if ($this->access_token == '') { $refresh_token = getConfig('refresh_token', $this->disktag); if (!$refresh_token) { $html = 'No refresh_token config, please AddDisk again or wait minutes.
' . json_encode(json_decode($tmp['body']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '', $tmp['stat']); //return message('
' . json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . '', 500); } if (isset($_GET['install1'])) { //if (get_class($this)=='Onedrive' || get_class($this)=='OnedriveCN') { return message(' ' . getconstStr('JumptoOffice') . ' ', getconstStr('Wait') . ' 1s', 201); //} else { // return message('Something error, retry after a few seconds.', 'Retry', 201); //} } if (isset($_GET['install0'])) { if ($_POST['disktag_add']!='') { $_POST['disktag_add'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z|_]/i', '', $_POST['disktag_add']); $f = substr($_POST['disktag_add'], 0, 1); if (strlen($_POST['disktag_add'])==1) $_POST['disktag_add'] .= '_'; if (isCommonEnv($_POST['disktag_add'])) { return message('Do not input ' . $envs . '
' . json_encode($result, 448) . ''; $res = json_decode($result['body'], true); if (isset($res['errno'])&&$res['errno']===0) $res['url'] = $_SERVER['host'] . path_format($_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . '/' . $filename); return output(json_encode($res, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), $result['stat']); } public function bigfileupload($path) { if ($_POST['upbigfilename']=='') return output('error: no file name', 400); if (!is_numeric($_POST['filesize'])) return output('error: no file size', 400); if (!$_SERVER['admin']) if (!isset($_POST['filemd5'])) return output('error: no file md5', 400); $tmp = splitlast($_POST['upbigfilename'], '/'); if ($tmp[1]!='') { $fileinfo['name'] = $tmp[1]; if ($_SERVER['admin']) $fileinfo['path'] = $tmp[0]; } else { $fileinfo['name'] = $_POST['upbigfilename']; } $fileinfo['size'] = $_POST['filesize']; $fileinfo['filelastModified'] = $_POST['filelastModified']; if ($_SERVER['admin']) { $filename = spurlencode($_POST['upbigfilename'], '/'); } else { $tmp1 = splitlast($fileinfo['name'], '.'); if ($tmp1[0]==''||$tmp1[1]=='') $filename = $_POST['filemd5']; else $filename = $_POST['filemd5'] . '.' . $tmp1[1]; } if ($fileinfo['size']>10*1024*1024) { $cachefilename = spurlencode( $fileinfo['path'] . '/.' . $fileinfo['filelastModified'] . '_' . $fileinfo['size'] . '_' . $fileinfo['name'] . '.tmp', '/'); $getoldupinfo = $this->list_files(path_format($path . '/' . $cachefilename)); //error_log1(json_encode($getoldupinfo, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); if (isset($getoldupinfo['url'])&&$getoldupinfo['size']<5120) { $getoldupinfo_j = curl('GET', $getoldupinfo['url']); $getoldupinfo = json_decode($getoldupinfo_j['body'], true); if ( json_decode( curl('GET', $getoldupinfo['uploadUrl'])['body'], true)['@odata.context']!='' ) return output($getoldupinfo_j['body'], $getoldupinfo_j['stat']); } } $response = $this->MSAPI('createUploadSession', path_format($path . '/' . $filename), '{"item": { "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "fail" }}'); if ($response['stat']<500) { $responsearry = json_decode($response['body'],true); if (isset($responsearry['error'])) return output($response['body'], $response['stat']); $fileinfo['uploadUrl'] = $responsearry['uploadUrl']; if ($fileinfo['size']>10*1024*1024) $this->MSAPI('PUT', path_format($path . '/' . $cachefilename), json_encode($fileinfo, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } return output($response['body'], $response['stat']); } public function getDiskSpace() { if (!($diskSpace = getcache('diskSpace', $this->disktag))) { $url = 'https://pan.baidu.com/api/quota?access_token=' . $this->access_token; $p=0; while ($response['stat']==0&&$p<3) { $response = curl('GET', $url); $p++; }//return $response['body']; $res = json_decode($response['body'], true); $used = size_format($res['used']); $total = size_format($res['total']); $diskSpace = $used . ' / ' . $total; //$diskSpace = $response['body'] . '