2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
< html lang = " <?php echo $constStr['language'] ; ?> " >
< head >
< title >< ? php echo $pretitle ; if ( $_SERVER [ 'base_disk_path' ] != $_SERVER [ 'base_path' ]) { if ( getConfig ( 'diskname' ) != '' ) $diskname = getConfig ( 'diskname' ); else $diskname = $_SERVER [ 'disktag' ]; echo ' - ' . $diskname ; } ?> - <?php echo $_SERVER['sitename'];?></title>
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
< meta charset = " utf-8 " >
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
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< meta name = " keywords " content = " <?php echo $n_path ;?>,<?php if ( $p_path !='') echo $p_path .','; echo $_SERVER['sitename'] ;?> " >
< meta name = " description " content = " <?php if ( $_GET['preview'] ) echo 'Preview of '. $n_path ; else echo 'List of '. $n_path ; ?>. Li-Share-Storage-Mini,auth_by_BingoKingo,power_by_ysun. " >
< link rel = " icon " href = " <?php echo $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] ;?>favicon.ico " type = " image/x-icon " />
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body { font - family : '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Helvetica Neue,PingFang SC,Microsoft YaHei,Source Han Sans SC,Noto Sans CJK SC,WenQuanYi Micro Hei,sans-serif' , Helvetica , Arial , sans - serif ; font - size : 14 px ; line - height : 1 em ; color : #000;background-color:#f7f7f9;}
. bkgd { < ? php if ( getConfig ( 'background' )) { ?> background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center;background-size:cover;background-attachment:fixed;background-image:url("<?php echo getConfig('background'); ?>");<?php } ?>;width:100%;height:100%;filter:blur(1px)brightness(88%);position:fixed;left:0;top:0;z-index:-1}
a { color : #24292e;cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none}
ion - icon { font - size : 16 px ; vertical - align : middle }
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input { cursor : pointer ; padding : 0 8 px ; height : 24 px ; font - weight : bold ; border : 1 px solid rgba ( 27 , 31 , 35 , 0 ); transition - duration : 0.3 s ; border - radius : 16 px ; background - color : transparent ; color : #24292e}
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
input : focus { background : rgba ( 3 , 102 , 214 , 0.6 ); color : #FFF;box-shadow:0 1px 15px rgba(27,31,35,.15);border:1px solid rgba(27,31,35,.15);}
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
textarea { font - weight : bold ; border : 1 px solid rgba ( 27 , 31 , 35 , 0 ); transition - duration : 0.3 s ; border - radius : 6 px ; background - color : transparent ; color : #24292e}
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
textarea : focus { background : rgba ( 3 , 102 , 214 , 0.6 ); color : #FFF;box-shadow:0 1px 15px rgba(27,31,35,.15);border:1px solid rgba(27,31,35,.15);}
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
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. more - disk a : hover , . more - disk a [ now ]{ color : #FFF;background:rgba(245,245,245,0.3);border:1px solid rgba(27,31,35,.15);box-shadow:0 1px 15px rgba(27,31,35,.15)}
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2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
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2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
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2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
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2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
. operate { display : inline - table ; margin : 0 ; margin - right : 5 px ; list - style : none }
. operate ul { position : absolute ; display : none ; background : white ; transition - duration : 0.3 s ; box - shadow : 0 1 px 15 px rgba ( 27 , 31 , 35 , . 15 ); border : 1 px solid rgba ( 27 , 31 , 35 , . 15 ); border - radius : 32 px ; margin :- 7 px 0 0 0 ; padding : 0 3 px ; color : #205D67;z-index:3;}
. operate : hover ul { position : absolute ; display : inline - table ;}
. operate ul li { padding : 6 px ; list - style : none ; display : block ; float : left ; font - size : 0 px ; line - height : 16 px ;}
. list - table tr [ data - to ] : hover . operate ul li a { color : #24292e}
< ? php } ?>
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. operatediv div { margin : 16 px }
. operatediv_close { position : absolute ; right : 3 px ; top : 3 px ;}
. readme { padding : 8 px ; background - color : rgba ( 245 , 245 , 245 , 0.3 );}
. markdown - body { padding : 20 px ; text - align : left ; font - size : 14 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 1152 px ){
. list - table td . file , . list - table th . file { width : calc ( 95 % - 220 px )}
. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 925 px ){
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. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 781 px ){
. list - table td . file , . list - table th . file { width : calc ( 93 % - 220 px )}
. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 679 px ){
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. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 605 px ){
. list - table td . file , . list - table th . file { width : calc ( 91 % - 220 px )}
. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 542 px ){
. list - table td . file , . list - table th . file { width : calc ( 90 % - 220 px )}
. list - table td . size , . list - table th . size { width : 70 px ! important }
. list - table td . updated_at , . list - table th . updated_at { width : 140 px ! important }
@ media only screen and ( max - width : 495 px ){
. title { margin - bottom : 24 px }
. list - wrapper { width : 96 % ; margin : 0 auto 10 px ;}
. list - table { padding : 8 px }
. list - table td . file , . list - table th . file { width : 95 % ;}
. size , . updated_at { display : none }
. list - table td , . list - table th { overflow : auto ; text - overflow : unset }
</ style >
</ head >
< body >
< ? php
echo '<script language="javascript">' ;
< ? php
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< ? php
echo '</script>' ;
< div class = " bkgd " ></ div >
< div style = " padding:1px " >
< ? php
if ( getConfig ( 'admin' ) != '' ) if ( ! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) {
if ( getConfig ( 'adminloginpage' ) == '' ) { ?>
< a class = " login " onclick = " login(); " >< ion - icon name = " log-in " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Login' ); ?> </a>
< ? php }
} else { ?>
< li class = " operate " >< ion - icon name = " construct " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Operate' ); ?> <ul>
< ? php if ( isset ( $files [ 'folder' ])) { ?>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event,'create',''); " >< ion - icon name = " add-circle " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Create' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event,'encrypt',''); " >< ion - icon name = " lock " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'encrypt' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a href = " ?RefreshCache " >< ion - icon name = " refresh " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'RefreshCache' ); ?> </a></li>
< ? php } ?>
< li >< a href = " <?php echo isset( $_GET['preview'] )?'?preview&':'?';?>setup " >< ion - icon name = " settings " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Setup' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " logout() " >< ion - icon name = " log-out " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Logout' ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul ></ li >
< ? php
} ?>
& nbsp ;
< select class = " changelanguage " name = " language " onchange = " changelanguage(this.options[this.options.selectedIndex].value) " style = " display:none !important " >
< option value = " " > Language </ option >
< ? php
foreach ( $constStr [ 'languages' ] as $key1 => $value1 ) { ?>
< option value = " <?php echo $key1 ; ?> " < ? php echo $key1 == $constStr [ 'language' ] ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ?> ><?php echo $value1; ?></option>
< ? php
} ?>
</ select >
</ div >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'needUpdate' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'needUpdate' ]) { ?>
< div style = 'position:absolute;' >< font color = 'red' >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'NeedUpdate' ); ?> </font></div>
< ? php } ?>
< h1 class = " title " >
< a href = " <?php echo $_SERVER['base_path'] ; ?> " >< ? php echo $_SERVER [ 'sitename' ]; ?> </a>
</ h1 >
< ? php $disktags = explode ( " | " , getConfig ( 'disktag' ));
if ( count ( $disktags ) > 1 ) { ?>
< div class = " list-wrapper " >
< div class = " list-container " >
< div class = " list-header-container " >
< div class = " more-disk " >
< ? php foreach ( $disktags as $disk ) {
$diskname = getConfig ( 'diskname' , $disk );
if ( $diskname == '' ) $diskname = $disk ;
echo ' <a href="' . path_format ( $_SERVER [ 'base_path' ] . '/' . $disk . '/' ) . '"' . ( $_SERVER [ 'disktag' ] == $disk ? ' now' : '' ) . '>' . $diskname . ' </ a >
' ;
} ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php }
if ( $files ) {
if ( isset ( $files [ 'children' ][ 'head.md' ])) { ?>
< div class = " list-wrapper " id = " head-div " >
< div class = " list-container " >
< div class = " list-body-container " >
< div class = " readme " >
< div class = " markdown-body " id = " head " >
< textarea id = " head-md " style = " display:none; " >< ? php echo fetch_files ( spurlencode ( path_format ( $path . '/head.md' ), '/' ))[ 'content' ][ 'body' ]; ?> </textarea>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< div class = " list-wrapper " id = " list-div " >
< div class = " list-container " >
< div class = " list-header-container " style = " box-shadow:0 1px 8px rgba(27,31,35,.3) " >
< ? php
if ( $path !== '/' ) {
$current_url = $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ];
while ( substr ( $current_url , - 1 ) === '/' ) {
$current_url = substr ( $current_url , 0 , - 1 );
if ( strpos ( $current_url , '/' ) !== FALSE ) {
$parent_url = substr ( $current_url , 0 , strrpos ( $current_url , '/' ));
} else {
$parent_url = $current_url ;
< a href = " <?php echo $parent_url .'/'; ?> " class = " back-link " >
< ion - icon name = " arrow-back " ></ ion - icon >
</ a >
< ? php } ?>
< h3 class = " table-header " >< ? php echo str_replace ( '%23' , '#' , str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $path )); ?> </h3>
</ div >
< div class = " list-body-container " >
< ? php
$pdfurl = false ;
$DPvideo = false ;
if ( $_SERVER [ 'is_guestup_path' ] &&! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
< div id = " upload_div " style = " margin:10px " >
< center >
< input id = " upload_file " type = " file " name = " upload_filename " >
< input id = " upload_submit " onclick = " preup(); " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Upload'); ?> " type = " button " >
< center >
</ div >
< ? php } else {
if ( $_SERVER [ 'ishidden' ] < 4 ) {
if ( isset ( $files [ 'error' ])) {
echo '<div style="margin:8px;">' . $files [ 'error' ][ 'message' ] . '</div>' ;
$statusCode = 404 ;
} else {
if ( isset ( $files [ 'file' ])) {
< div style = " margin: 12px 4px 4px; text-align: center " >
< div style = " margin: 24px " >
< textarea id = " url " title = " url " rows = " 1 " style = " width: 100%; margin-top: 2px; " readonly >< ? php echo str_replace ( '%2523' , '%23' , str_replace ( '%26amp%3B' , '&' , spurlencode ( path_format ( $_SERVER [ 'base_disk_path' ] . '/' . $path ), '/' ))); ?> </textarea>
< a href = " <?php echo path_format( $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path );// $files[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName'] ] ?> " >< ion - icon name = " download " style = " line-height: 16px;vertical-align: middle; " ></ ion - icon >& nbsp ; < ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Download' ); ?> </a>
</ div >
< div style = " margin: 24px " >
< ? php $ext = strtolower ( substr ( $path , strrpos ( $path , '.' ) + 1 ));
if ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'img' ])) {
echo ' <img src="' . $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]] . '" alt="' . substr ( $path , strrpos ( $path , '/' )) . ' " onload= " if ( this . offsetWidth > document . getElementById ( \ ' url\ ' ) . offsetWidth ) this . style . width = \ ' 100 % \ ' ; " />
' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'video' ])) {
//echo '<video src="' . $files[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName']] . '" controls="controls" style="width: 100%"></video>';
$DPvideo = $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]];
echo ' < div id = " video-a0 " ></ div >
' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'music' ])) {
echo ' <audio src="' . $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]] . ' " controls= " controls " style= " width : 100 % " ></audio>
' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $ext , [ 'pdf' ])) {
/* echo '
< embed src = " ' . $files[$_SERVER['DownurlStrName'] ] . ' " type = " application/pdf " width = " 100% " height = 800 px " >
' ; */
$pdfurl = $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]];
echo ' < div id = " pdf-d " ></ div >
' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'office' ])) {
echo ' <iframe id="office-a" src="https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=' . urlencode ( $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]]) . ' " style= " width : 100 % ; height : 800 px " frameborder= " 0 " ></iframe>
' ;
} elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'txt' ])) {
$txtstr = htmlspecialchars ( curl_request ( $files [ $_SERVER [ 'DownurlStrName' ]])[ 'body' ]);
< div id = " txt " >
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
< form id = " txt-form " action = " " method = " POST " >
< a onclick = " document.getElementById('txt-a').readOnly='';document.getElementById('txt-save').style.display='';document.getElementById('txt-editbutton').style.display='none';document.getElementById('txt-cancelbutton').style.display=''; " id = " txt-editbutton " >< ion - icon name = " create " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'ClicktoEdit' ); ?> </a>
< a onclick = " document.getElementById('txt-a').readOnly='readonly';document.getElementById('txt-save').style.display='none';document.getElementById('txt-editbutton').style.display='';document.getElementById('txt-cancelbutton').style.display='none'; " id = " txt-cancelbutton " style = " display:none " >< ion - icon name = " close " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'CancelEdit' ); ?> </a>
< a id = " txt-save " style = " display:none " >< ion - icon name = " save " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Save' ); ?> </a>
< ? php } ?>
< textarea id = " txt-a " name = " editfile " readonly style = " width: 100%; margin-top: 2px; " < ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) echo 'onchange="document.getElementById(\'txt-save\').onclick=function(){document.getElementById(\'txt-form\').submit();}"' ; ?> ><?php echo $txtstr;?></textarea>
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) echo '</form>' ; ?>
</ div >
< ? php } /* elseif ( in_array ( $ext , [ 'md' ])) {
echo ' < div class = " markdown-body " id = " readme " >
< textarea id = " readme-md " style = " display:none; " > ' . curl_request($files[$_SERVER[' DownurlStrName ']])[' body '] . ' </ textarea >
</ div >
' ;
} */ else {
echo '<span>' . getconstStr ( 'FileNotSupport' ) . '</span>' ;
} ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } elseif ( isset ( $files [ 'folder' ])) {
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'filenum' ])) $filenum = $_POST [ 'filenum' ];
if ( ! isset ( $filenum ) and isset ( $files [ 'folder' ][ 'page' ])) $filenum = ( $files [ 'folder' ][ 'page' ] - 1 ) * 200 ;
else $filenum = 0 ; ?>
< table class = " list-table " id = " list-table " >
< tr id = " tr0 " >
< th class = " file " >< a onclick = " sortby('a'); " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'File' ); ?> </a><?php if (!(isset($_SERVER['USER'])&&$_SERVER['USER']=='qcloud')) { ?> <button onclick="showthumbnails(this);"><?php echo getconstStr('ShowThumbnails'); ?></button><?php } ?> <button onclick="CopyAllDownloadUrl('.download');"><?php echo getconstStr('CopyAllDownloadUrl'); ?></button></th>
< th class = " updated_at " >< a onclick = " sortby('time'); " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'EditTime' ); ?> </a></th>
< th class = " size " >< a onclick = " sortby('size'); " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Size' ); ?> </a></th>
</ tr >
<!-- Dirs -->
< ? php //echo json_encode($files['children'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
foreach ( $files [ 'children' ] as $file ) {
// Folders
if ( isset ( $file [ 'folder' ])) {
$filenum ++ ; ?>
< tr data - to id = " tr<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >
< td class = " file " >
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
< li class = " operate " >< ion - icon name = " construct " ></ ion - icon >< a >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Operate' ); ?> </a>
< ul >
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event,'encrypt',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " lock " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'encrypt' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'rename',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " create " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Rename' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'move',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " move " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Move' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'copy',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " copy " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Copy' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'delete',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " trash " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Delete' ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
</ li >
< ? php } ?>
< ion - icon name = " folder " ></ ion - icon >
< a id = " file_a<?php echo $filenum ;?> " name = " filelist " href = " <?php echo path_format( $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . '/' . encode_str_replace( $file['name'] ) . '/'); ?> " >< ? php echo str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $file [ 'name' ]); ?> </a>
</ td >
< td class = " updated_at " id = " folder_time<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >< ? php echo time_format ( $file [ 'lastModifiedDateTime' ]); ?> </td>
< td class = " size " id = " folder_size<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >< ? php echo size_format ( $file [ 'size' ]); ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ? php }
// if ($filenum) echo '<tr data-to></tr>';
foreach ( $files [ 'children' ] as $file ) {
// Files
if ( isset ( $file [ 'file' ])) {
if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ] or ! isHideFile ( $file [ 'name' ])) {
$filenum ++ ; ?>
< tr data - to id = " tr<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >
< td class = " file " >
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
< li class = " operate " >< ion - icon name = " construct " ></ ion - icon >< a >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Operate' ); ?> </a>
< ul >
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'rename',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " create " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Rename' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'move',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " move " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Move' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'copy',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " copy " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Copy' ); ?> </a></li>
< li >< a onclick = " showdiv(event, 'delete',<?php echo $filenum ;?>); " >< ion - icon name = " trash " ></ ion - icon >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Delete' ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
</ li >
< ? php }
$ext = strtolower ( substr ( $file [ 'name' ], strrpos ( $file [ 'name' ], '.' ) + 1 ));
if ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'music' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " musical-notes " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'video' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " logo-youtube " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'img' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " image " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'office' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " paper " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'txt' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " clipboard " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( in_array ( $ext , $exts [ 'zip' ])) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " filing " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( $ext == 'iso' ) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " disc " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( $ext == 'apk' ) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " logo-android " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } elseif ( $ext == 'exe' ) { ?>
< ion - icon name = " logo-windows " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } else { ?>
< ion - icon name = " document " ></ ion - icon >
< ? php } ?>
< a id = " file_a<?php echo $filenum ;?> " name = " filelist " href = " <?php echo path_format( $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . '/' . encode_str_replace( $file['name'] )); ?>?preview " target = _blank >< ? php echo str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $file [ 'name' ]); ?> </a>
< a class = " download " href = " <?php echo path_format( $_SERVER['base_disk_path'] . '/' . $path . '/' . str_replace('&','&', $file['name'] ));?> " >< ion - icon name = " download " ></ ion - icon ></ a >
</ td >
< td class = " updated_at " id = " file_time<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >< ? php echo time_format ( $file [ 'lastModifiedDateTime' ]); ?> </td>
< td class = " size " id = " file_size<?php echo $filenum ;?> " >< ? php echo size_format ( $file [ 'size' ]); ?> </td>
</ tr >
< ? php }
} ?>
</ table >
< ? php if ( $files [ 'folder' ][ 'childCount' ] > 200 ) {
$pagenum = $files [ 'folder' ][ 'page' ];
$maxpage = ceil ( $files [ 'folder' ][ 'childCount' ] / 200 );
$prepagenext = '
< form action = " " method = " POST " id = " nextpageform " >
< input type = " hidden " id = " pagenum " name = " pagenum " value = " '. $pagenum .' " >
< table width = 100 % border = 0 >
< tr >
< td width = 60 px align = center > ' ;
if ( $pagenum != 1 ) {
$prepagenum = $pagenum - 1 ;
$prepagenext .= '
< a onclick = " nextpage('. $prepagenum .'); " > '.getconstStr(' PrePage ').' </ a > ' ;
$prepagenext .= '
</ td >
< td class = " updated_at " > ' ;
for ( $page = 1 ; $page <= $maxpage ; $page ++ ) {
if ( $page == $pagenum ) {
$prepagenext .= '
< font color = red > ' . $page . ' </ font > ' ;
} else {
$prepagenext .= '
< a onclick = " nextpage('. $page .'); " > ' . $page . ' </ a > ' ;
$prepagenext = substr ( $prepagenext , 0 , - 1 );
$prepagenext .= '
</ td >
< td width = 60 px align = center > ' ;
if ( $pagenum != $maxpage ) {
$nextpagenum = $pagenum + 1 ;
$prepagenext .= '
< a onclick = " nextpage('. $nextpagenum .'); " > '.getconstStr(' NextPage ').' </ a > ' ;
$prepagenext .= '
</ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form > ' ;
echo $prepagenext ;
if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
< div id = " upload_div " style = " margin:0 0 16px 0 " >
< center >
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
< input style = " width:60% " id = " upload_file " type = " file " name = " upload_filename " multiple = " multiple " >
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
< input id = " upload_submit " onclick = " preup(); " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Upload'); ?> " type = " button " >
</ center >
</ div >
< ? php }
} else {
$statusCode = 500 ;
echo 'Unknown path or file.' ;
echo json_encode ( $files , JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
if ( isset ( $files [ 'children' ][ 'readme.md' ])) {
echo '
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " list-wrapper " >
< div class = " list-container " >
< div class = " list-body-container " >
< div class = " readme " >
< div class = " markdown-body " id = " readme " >
< textarea id = " readme-md " style = " display:none; " > ' . fetch_files(spurlencode(path_format($path . ' / readme . md '),' / '))[' content '][' body '] . ' </ textarea >
</ div >
</ div >
' ;
} else {
echo '
< div style = " padding:20px " >
< center >
< form action = " " method = " post " >
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
< input style = " width: 60% " name = " password1 " type = " password " placeholder = " '.getconstStr('InputPassword').' " >
< input type = " submit " value = " '.getconstStr('Submit').' " >
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
</ form >
</ center >
</ div > ' ;
$statusCode = 401 ;
} ?>
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php } ?>
< div id = " mask " class = " mask " style = " display:none; " ></ div >
< ? php
if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) {
if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'preview' ])) { ?>
< div style = " word-break: break-all;word-wrap: break-word; " >
< div id = " rename_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< label id = " rename_label " ></ label >< br >< br >< a onclick = " operatediv_close('rename') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< form id = " rename_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('rename'); " >
< input id = " rename_sid " name = " rename_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " rename_hidden " name = " rename_oldname " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " rename_input " name = " rename_newname " type = " text " value = " " >
< input name = " operate_action " type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Rename'); ?> " >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div id = " delete_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< br >< a onclick = " operatediv_close('delete') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< label id = " delete_label " ></ label >
< form id = " delete_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('delete'); " >
< label id = " delete_input " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Delete' ); ?> ?</label>
< input id = " delete_sid " name = " delete_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " delete_hidden " name = " delete_name " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input name = " operate_action " type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Submit'); ?> " >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div id = " encrypt_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< label id = " encrypt_label " ></ label >< br >< br >< a onclick = " operatediv_close('encrypt') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< form id = " encrypt_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('encrypt'); " >
< input id = " encrypt_sid " name = " encrypt_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " encrypt_hidden " name = " encrypt_folder " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " encrypt_input " name = " encrypt_newpass " type = " text " value = " " placeholder = " <?php echo getconstStr('InputPasswordUWant'); ?> " >
< ? php if ( getConfig ( 'passfile' ) != '' ) { ?> <input name="operate_action" type="submit" value="<?php echo getconstStr('encrypt'); ?>"><?php } else { ?><br><label><?php echo getconstStr('SetpassfileBfEncrypt'); ?></label><?php } ?>
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div id = " copy_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< label id = " copy_label " ></ label >< br >< br >< a onclick = " operatediv_close('copy') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< form id = " copy_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('copy'); " >
< input id = " copy_sid " name = " copy_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " copy_hidden " name = " copy_name " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " copy_input " name = " copy_input " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input name = " operate_action " type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Copy'); ?> " >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div id = " move_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< label id = " move_label " ></ label >< br >< br >< a onclick = " operatediv_close('move') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< form id = " move_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('move'); " >
< input id = " move_sid " name = " move_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " move_hidden " name = " move_name " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< select id = " move_input " name = " move_folder " >
< ? php if ( $path != '/' ) { ?>
< option value = " /../ " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'ParentDir' ); ?> </option>
< ? php }
if ( isset ( $files [ 'children' ])) foreach ( $files [ 'children' ] as $file ) {
if ( isset ( $file [ 'folder' ])) { ?>
< option value = " <?php echo str_replace('&','&', $ file['name']);?> " >< ? php echo str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $file [ 'name' ]); ?> </option>
< ? php }
} ?>
</ select >
< input name = " operate_action " type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Move'); ?> " >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div id = " create_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div >
< a onclick = " operatediv_close('create') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< form id = " create_form " onsubmit = " return submit_operate('create'); " >
< input id = " create_sid " name = " create_sid " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< input id = " create_hidden " type = " hidden " value = " " >
< table >
< tr >
< td ></ td >
< td >< label id = " create_label " ></ label ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > ããã </ td >
< td >
< label >< input id = " create_type_folder " name = " create_type " type = " radio " value = " folder " onclick = " document.getElementById('create_text_div').style.display='none'; " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Folder' ); ?> </label>
< label >< input id = " create_type_file " name = " create_type " type = " radio " value = " file " onclick = " document.getElementById('create_text_div').style.display=''; " checked >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'File' ); ?> </label>
< td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Name' ); ?> : </td>
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
< td >< input style = " width: 94% " id = " create_input " name = " create_name " type = " text " value = " " ></ td >
</ tr >
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
< tr id = " create_text_div " >
< td >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Content' ); ?> : </td>
< td >< textarea id = " create_text " name = " create_text " rows = " 6 " cols = " 40 " ></ textarea ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > </ td >
< td >< input name = " operate_action " type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Create'); ?> " ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php }
} else {
if ( getConfig ( 'admin' ) != '' ) if ( getConfig ( 'adminloginpage' ) == '' ) { ?>
< div id = " login_div " class = " operatediv " style = " display:none " >
< div style = " margin:50px " >
< a onclick = " operatediv_close('login') " class = " operatediv_close " >< ? php echo getconstStr ( 'Close' ); ?> </a>
< center >
< form action = " <?php echo isset( $_GET['preview'] )?'?preview&':'?';?>admin " method = " post " >
< input id = " login_input " name = " password1 " type = " password " placeholder = " <?php echo getconstStr('InputPassword'); ?> " >
< input type = " submit " value = " <?php echo getconstStr('Login'); ?> " >
</ form >
</ center >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php }
} ?>
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
< div style = " color: rgba(247,247,249,1);text-align:center;text-shadow:0 1px 15px rgba(27,31,35,1);font-weight:bold " > Power by < a style = " color:rgb(3,102,214) " href = " https://github.com/BingoKingo/Tfo " > Tfo </ a > ' s Theme for < a style = " color:rgb(3,102,214) " href = " https://github.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php " > OneManager - php </ a ></ div >
< div style = " color: rgba(247,247,249,0);text-align:center;text-shadow:0 1px 15px rgba(27,31,35,0);font-weight:bold;margin-top:6px " >< ? php echo date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " ) . " " . getconstStr ( 'Week' )[ date ( " w " )] . " " . $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]; ?> </div>
< script src = " https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert@2.1.2/dist/sweetalert.min.js " ></ script >
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
</ body >
< ? php if ( $files ) { ?>
< ? php if ( isset ( $files [ 'children' ][ 'head.md' ]) || isset ( $files [ 'children' ][ 'readme.md' ])) { ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//unpkg.zhimg.com/github-markdown-css@3.0.1/github-markdown.css">
< script type = " text/javascript " src = " //unpkg.zhimg.com/marked@0.6.2/marked.min.js " ></ script >< ? php } ?>
< ? php if ( isset ( $files [ 'folder' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'is_guestup_path' ] && ! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.bootcss.com/spark-md5/3.0.0/spark-md5.min.js"></script><?php } ?>
< ? php if ( $pdfurl != '' ) { ?> <script src="//cdn.bootcss.com/pdf.js/2.3.200/pdf.min.js"></script><?php } ?>
< ? php } ?>
< script type = " text/javascript " >
function changelanguage ( str )
if ( str == 'Language' ) str = '' ;
document . cookie = 'language=' + str + '; path=/' ;
location . href = location . href ;
< ? php if ( $files ) { ?>
var root = '<?php echo $_SERVER["base_disk_path"]; ?>' ;
function path_format ( path ) {
path = '/' + path + '/' ;
while ( path . indexOf ( '//' ) !== - 1 ) {
path = path . replace ( '//' , '/' )
return path
document . querySelectorAll ( '.table-header' ) . forEach ( function ( e ) {
var path = e . innerText ;
var paths = path . split ( '/' );
if ( paths <= 2 ) return ;
e . innerHTML = '/ ' ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < paths . length - 1 ; i ++ ) {
var to = path_format ( root + paths . slice ( 0 , i + 1 ) . join ( '/' ));
e . innerHTML += '<a href="' + to + '">' + paths [ i ] + '</a> / '
e . innerHTML += paths [ paths . length - 1 ];
e . innerHTML = e . innerHTML . replace ( / \s\ / \s $ / , '' )
< ? php
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'preview' ])) { //is preview mode. 在预览时处理 ?>
var $url = document . getElementById ( 'url' );
if ( $url ) {
$url . innerHTML = location . protocol + '//' + location . host + $url . innerHTML ;
$url . style . height = $url . scrollHeight + 'px' ;
var $officearea = document . getElementById ( 'office-a' );
if ( $officearea ) {
$officearea . style . height = window . innerHeight + 'px' ;
var $textarea = document . getElementById ( 'txt-a' );
if ( $textarea ) {
$textarea . style . height = $textarea . scrollHeight + 'px' ;
< ? php if ( !! $DPvideo ) { ?>
function loadResources ( type , src , callback ) {
let script = document . createElement ( type );
let loaded = false ;
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
script . onload = script . onreadystatechange = () => {
if ( ! loaded && ( ! script . readyState || / loaded | complete /. test ( script . readyState ))) {
script . onload = script . onreadystatechange = null ;
loaded = true ;
callback ();
if ( type === 'link' ) {
script . href = src ;
script . rel = 'stylesheet' ;
} else {
script . src = src ;
document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' )[ 0 ] . appendChild ( script );
function addVideos ( videos ) {
let host = 'https://s0.pstatp.com/cdn/expire-1-M' ;
let unloadedResourceCount = 4 ;
let callback = (() => {
return () => {
if ( !-- unloadedResourceCount ) {
createDplayers ( videos );
})( unloadedResourceCount , videos );
loadResources (
'link' ,
host + '/dplayer/1.25.0/DPlayer.min.css' ,
loadResources (
'script' ,
host + '/dplayer/1.25.0/DPlayer.min.js' ,
loadResources (
'script' ,
host + '/hls.js/0.12.4/hls.light.min.js' ,
loadResources (
'script' ,
host + '/flv.js/1.5.0/flv.min.js' ,
function createDplayers ( videos ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < videos . length ; i ++ ) {
console . log ( videos [ i ]);
new DPlayer ({
container : document . getElementById ( 'video-a' + i ),
screenshot : true ,
video : {
url : videos [ i ]
addVideos ([ '<?php echo $DPvideo;?>' ]);
< ? php }
if ( $pdfurl != '' ) { ?>
pdfjsLib . GlobalWorkerOptions . workerSrc = '//cdn.bootcss.com/pdf.js/2.3.200/pdf.worker.min.js' ;
var loadingTask = pdfjsLib . getDocument ({ url : '<?php echo $pdfurl;?>' , });
loadingTask . promise . then ( function ( pdf ) {
var pagenum = pdf . numPages ;
var pdfContainer = document . getElementById ( 'pdf-d' );
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= pagenum ; i ++ ) {
var canvasNew = document . createElement ( 'canvas' );
canvasNew . id = 'pdf-c' + i ;
pdfContainer . appendChild ( canvasNew );
renderpage ( pdf , i );
function renderpage ( pdf , i )
pdf . getPage ( i ) . then ( function ( page ) {
var scale = 1.5 ;
var viewport = page . getViewport ({ scale : scale , });
var canvas = document . getElementById ( 'pdf-c' + i );
var context = canvas . getContext ( " 2d " );
canvas . height = viewport . height ;
canvas . width = viewport . width ;
var renderContext = {
canvasContext : context ,
viewport : viewport ,
page . render ( renderContext );
< ? php }
} else { // view folder. 不预览,即浏览目录时?>
var $head = document . getElementById ( 'head' );
if ( $head ) {
$head . innerHTML = marked ( document . getElementById ( 'head-md' ) . innerText );
var $readme = document . getElementById ( 'readme' );
if ( $readme ) {
$readme . innerHTML = marked ( document . getElementById ( 'readme-md' ) . innerText );
function showthumbnails ( obj ) {
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
swal ( " Loading Thumbnails " , {
buttons : false ,
timer : 1000 ,
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
var files = document . getElementsByName ( 'filelist' );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < files . length ; $i ++ ) {
str = files [ $i ] . innerText ;
if ( str . substr ( - 1 ) == ' ' ) str = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 1 );
if ( ! str ) return ;
strarry = str . split ( '.' );
ext = strarry [ strarry . length - 1 ] . toLowerCase ();
images = [ < ? php foreach ( $exts [ 'img' ] as $imgext ) echo '\'' . $imgext . '\', ' ; ?> ];
if ( images . indexOf ( ext ) >- 1 ) get_thumbnails_url ( str , files [ $i ]);
obj . disabled = 'disabled' ;
function get_thumbnails_url ( str , filea ) {
if ( ! str ) return ;
var nurl = window . location . href ;
if ( nurl . substr ( - 1 ) != " / " ) nurl += " / " ;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr . open ( " GET " , nurl + str + '?thumbnails' , true );
xhr . send ( '' );
xhr . onload = function ( e ){
if ( xhr . status == 200 ) {
if ( xhr . responseText != '' ) filea . innerHTML = '<img src="' + xhr . responseText + '" alt="' + str + '">' ;
} else console . log ( xhr . status + '\n' + xhr . responseText );
function CopyAllDownloadUrl ( str ) {
var tmptextarea = document . createElement ( 'textarea' );
document . body . appendChild ( tmptextarea );
tmptextarea . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'position:absolute;left:-100px;width:0px;height:0px;' );
document . querySelectorAll ( str ) . forEach ( function ( e ) {
tmptextarea . innerHTML += e . href + " \r \n " ;
tmptextarea . select ();
tmptextarea . setSelectionRange ( 0 , tmptextarea . value . length );
document . execCommand ( " copy " );
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
swal ( tmptextarea . innerHTML + '<?php echo getconstStr(' Success '); ?>' );
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
var sort = 0 ;
function sortby ( string ) {
if ( string == 'a' ) if ( sort != 0 ) {
for ( i = 1 ; i <= < ? php echo $filenum ? $filenum : 0 ; ?> ; i++) document.getElementById('tr'+i).parentNode.insertBefore(document.getElementById('tr'+i),document.getElementById('tr'+(i-1)).nextSibling);
sort = 0 ;
return ;
} else return ;
sort1 = sort ;
sortby ( 'a' );
sort = sort1 ;
var a = [];
for ( i = 1 ; i <= < ? php echo $filenum ? $filenum : 0 ; ?> ; i++) {
a [ i ] = i ;
if ( !! document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + i )) {
var td1 = document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + i );
for ( j = 1 ; j < i ; j ++ ) {
if ( !! document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + a [ j ])) {
var c = false ;
if ( string == 'time' ) if ( sort ==- 1 ) {
c = ( td1 . innerText < document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText );
} else {
c = ( td1 . innerText > document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText );
if ( string == 'size' ) if ( sort == 2 ) {
c = ( size_reformat ( td1 . innerText ) < size_reformat ( document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText ));
} else {
c = ( size_reformat ( td1 . innerText ) > size_reformat ( document . getElementById ( 'folder_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText ));
if ( c ) {
document . getElementById ( 'tr' + i ) . parentNode . insertBefore ( document . getElementById ( 'tr' + i ), document . getElementById ( 'tr' + a [ j ]));
for ( k = i ; k > j ; k -- ) {
a [ k ] = a [ k - 1 ];
a [ j ] = i ;
break ;
if ( !! document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + i )) {
var td1 = document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + i );
for ( j = 1 ; j < i ; j ++ ) {
if ( !! document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + a [ j ])) {
var c = false ;
if ( string == 'time' ) if ( sort ==- 1 ) {
c = ( td1 . innerText < document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText );
} else {
c = ( td1 . innerText > document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText );
if ( string == 'size' ) if ( sort == 2 ) {
c = ( size_reformat ( td1 . innerText ) < size_reformat ( document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText ));
} else {
c = ( size_reformat ( td1 . innerText ) > size_reformat ( document . getElementById ( 'file_' + string + a [ j ]) . innerText ));
if ( c ) {
document . getElementById ( 'tr' + i ) . parentNode . insertBefore ( document . getElementById ( 'tr' + i ), document . getElementById ( 'tr' + a [ j ]));
for ( k = i ; k > j ; k -- ) {
a [ k ] = a [ k - 1 ];
a [ j ] = i ;
break ;
if ( string == 'time' ) if ( sort ==- 1 ) {
sort = 1 ;
} else {
sort =- 1 ;
if ( string == 'size' ) if ( sort == 2 ) {
sort =- 2 ;
} else {
sort = 2 ;
function size_reformat ( str ) {
if ( str . substr ( - 1 ) == ' ' ) str = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 1 );
if ( str . substr ( - 2 ) == 'GB' ) num = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 3 ) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ;
if ( str . substr ( - 2 ) == 'MB' ) num = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 3 ) * 1024 * 1024 ;
if ( str . substr ( - 2 ) == 'KB' ) num = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 3 ) * 1024 ;
if ( str . substr ( - 2 ) == ' B' ) num = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 2 );
return num ;
< ? php
if ( $_COOKIE [ 'timezone' ] == '' ) { // cookie timezone. 无时区写时区 ?>
var nowtime = new Date ();
var timezone = 0 - nowtime . getTimezoneOffset () / 60 ;
var expd = new Date ();
expd . setTime ( expd . getTime () + ( 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ));
var expires = " expires= " + expd . toGMTString ();
document . cookie = " timezone= " + timezone + " ; path=/; " + expires ;
if ( timezone !=< ? php echo $_SERVER [ 'timezone' ]; ?> ) {
alert ( 'Your timezone is ' + timezone + ', reload local timezone.' );
location . href = location . protocol + " // " + location . host + " <?php echo path_format( $_SERVER['base_path'] . '/' . $path );?> " ;
< ? php }
if ( isset ( $files [ 'folder' ][ 'childCount' ]) && $files [ 'folder' ][ 'childCount' ] > 200 ) { // more than 200. 有下一页 ?>
function nextpage ( num ) {
document . getElementById ( 'pagenum' ) . value = num ;
document . getElementById ( 'nextpageform' ) . submit ();
< ? php }
if ( isset ( $files [ 'folder' ]) && ( $_SERVER [ 'is_guestup_path' ] || $_SERVER [ 'admin' ])) { // is folder and is admin or guest upload path. 当前是admin登录或图床目录时 ?>
function uploadbuttonhide () {
document . getElementById ( 'upload_submit' ) . disabled = 'disabled' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_file' ) . disabled = 'disabled' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_submit' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_file' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
function uploadbuttonshow () {
document . getElementById ( 'upload_file' ) . disabled = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_submit' ) . disabled = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_submit' ) . style . display = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upload_file' ) . style . display = '' ;
function preup () {
uploadbuttonhide ();
var files = document . getElementById ( 'upload_file' ) . files ;
if ( files . length < 1 ) {
uploadbuttonshow ();
return ;
var table1 = document . createElement ( 'table' );
document . getElementById ( 'upload_div' ) . appendChild ( table1 );
table1 . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'list-table' );
var timea = new Date () . getTime ();
var i = 0 ;
getuplink ( i );
function getuplink ( i ) {
var file = files [ i ];
var tr1 = document . createElement ( 'tr' );
table1 . appendChild ( tr1 );
tr1 . setAttribute ( 'data-to' , 1 );
var td1 = document . createElement ( 'td' );
tr1 . appendChild ( td1 );
td1 . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'width:fit-content' );
td1 . setAttribute ( 'id' , 'upfile_td1_' + timea + '_' + i );
td1 . innerHTML = file . name + ' ' + size_format ( file . size );
var td2 = document . createElement ( 'td' );
tr1 . appendChild ( td2 );
td2 . setAttribute ( 'id' , 'upfile_td2_' + timea + '_' + i );
td2 . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'text-overflow:ellipsis' );
td2 . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'white-space:nowrap' );
td2 . innerHTML = '<?php echo getconstStr(' GetUploadLink '); ?> ...' ;
if ( file . size > 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
td2 . innerHTML = '<font color="red"><?php echo getconstStr(' UpFileTooLarge '); ?></font>' ;
uploadbuttonshow ();
return ;
var xhr1 = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr1 . open ( " GET " , '?action=upbigfile&upbigfilename=' + encodeURIComponent ( file . name ) + '&filesize=' + file . size + '&lastModified=' + file . lastModified );
xhr1 . setRequestHeader ( 'x-requested-with' , 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr1 . send ( null );
xhr1 . onload = function ( e ){
td2 . innerHTML = '<font color="red">' + xhr1 . responseText + '</font>' ;
if ( xhr1 . status == 200 ) {
console . log ( xhr1 . responseText );
var html = JSON . parse ( xhr1 . responseText );
if ( ! html [ 'uploadUrl' ]) {
td2 . innerHTML = '<font color="red">' + xhr1 . responseText + '</font><br>' ;
uploadbuttonshow ();
} else {
td2 . innerHTML = '<?php echo getconstStr(' UploadStart '); ?> ...' ;
binupfile ( file , html [ 'uploadUrl' ], timea + '_' + i );
if ( i < files . length - 1 ) {
i ++ ;
getuplink ( i );
function size_format ( num ) {
if ( num > 1024 ) {
num = num / 1024 ;
} else {
return num . toFixed ( 2 ) + ' B' ;
if ( num > 1024 ) {
num = num / 1024 ;
} else {
return num . toFixed ( 2 ) + ' KB' ;
if ( num > 1024 ) {
num = num / 1024 ;
} else {
return num . toFixed ( 2 ) + ' MB' ;
return num . toFixed ( 2 ) + ' GB' ;
function binupfile ( file , url , tdnum ){
var label = document . getElementById ( 'upfile_td2_' + tdnum );
var reader = new FileReader ();
var StartStr = '' ;
var MiddleStr = '' ;
var StartTime ;
var EndTime ;
var newstartsize = 0 ;
if ( !! file ){
var asize = 0 ;
var totalsize = file . size ;
var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr2 . open ( " GET " , url );
xhr2 . send ( null );
xhr2 . onload = function ( e ){
if ( xhr2 . status == 200 ) {
var html = JSON . parse ( xhr2 . responseText );
var a = html [ 'nextExpectedRanges' ][ 0 ];
newstartsize = Number ( a . slice ( 0 , a . indexOf ( " - " )) );
StartTime = new Date ();
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
asize = newstartsize ;
< ? php } ?>
if ( newstartsize == 0 ) {
StartStr = '<?php echo getconstStr(' UploadStartAt '); ?>:' + StartTime . toLocaleString () + '<br>' ;
} else {
StartStr = '<?php echo getconstStr(' LastUpload '); ?>' + size_format ( newstartsize ) + ' <?php echo getconstStr(' ThisTime ').getconstStr(' UploadStartAt '); ?>:' + StartTime . toLocaleString () + '<br>' ;
var chunksize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 ; // chunk size, max 60M. 每小块上传大小, 最大60M, 微软建议10M
if ( totalsize > 200 * 1024 * 1024 ) chunksize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 ;
function readblob ( start ) {
var end = start + chunksize ;
var blob = file . slice ( start , end );
reader . readAsArrayBuffer ( blob );
readblob ( asize );
< ? php if ( ! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
var spark = new SparkMD5 . ArrayBuffer ();
< ? php } ?>
reader . onload = function ( e ){
var binary = this . result ;
< ? php if ( ! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
spark . append ( binary );
if ( asize < newstartsize ) {
asize += chunksize ;
readblob ( asize );
return ;
< ? php } ?>
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr . open ( " PUT " , url , true );
bsize = asize + e . loaded - 1 ;
xhr . setRequestHeader ( 'Content-Range' , 'bytes ' + asize + '-' + bsize + '/' + totalsize );
xhr . upload . onprogress = function ( e ){
if ( e . lengthComputable ) {
var tmptime = new Date ();
var tmpspeed = e . loaded * 1000 / ( tmptime . getTime () - C_starttime . getTime ());
var remaintime = ( totalsize - asize - e . loaded ) / tmpspeed ;
label . innerHTML = StartStr + '<?php echo getconstStr(' Upload '); ?> ' + size_format ( asize + e . loaded ) + ' / ' + size_format ( totalsize ) + ' = ' + (( asize + e . loaded ) * 100 / totalsize ) . toFixed ( 2 ) + '% <?php echo getconstStr(' AverageSpeed '); ?>:' + size_format (( asize + e . loaded - newstartsize ) * 1000 / ( tmptime . getTime () - StartTime . getTime ())) + '/s<br><?php echo getconstStr(' CurrentSpeed '); ?> ' + size_format ( tmpspeed ) + '/s <?php echo getconstStr(' Expect '); ?> ' + remaintime . toFixed ( 1 ) + 's' ;
var C_starttime = new Date ();
xhr . onload = function ( e ){
if ( xhr . status < 500 ) {
var response = JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText );
if ( response [ 'size' ] > 0 ) {
// contain size, upload finish. 有size说明是最终返回, 上传结束
var xhr3 = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr3 . open ( " GET " , '?action=del_upload_cache&filename=.' + file . lastModified + '_' + file . size + '_' + encodeURIComponent ( file . name ) + '.tmp' );
xhr3 . setRequestHeader ( 'x-requested-with' , 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr3 . send ( null );
xhr3 . onload = function ( e ){
console . log ( xhr3 . responseText + ',' + xhr3 . status );
< ? php if ( ! $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
var filemd5 = spark . end ();
var xhr4 = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr4 . open ( " GET " , '?action=uploaded_rename&filename=' + encodeURIComponent ( file . name ) + '&filemd5=' + filemd5 );
xhr4 . setRequestHeader ( 'x-requested-with' , 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr4 . send ( null );
xhr4 . onload = function ( e ){
console . log ( xhr4 . responseText + ',' + xhr4 . status );
var filename ;
//if (xhr4.status==200) filename = JSON.parse(xhr4.responseText)['name'];
//if (xhr4.status==409) filename = filemd5 + file.name.substr(file.name.indexOf('.'));
filename = JSON . parse ( xhr4 . responseText )[ 'name' ];
if ( filename == '' ) {
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
swal ( '<?php echo getconstStr(' UploadErrorUpAgain '); ?>' );
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
uploadbuttonshow ();
return ;
var lasturl = location . href ;
if ( lasturl . substr ( lasturl . length - 1 ) != '/' ) lasturl += '/' ;
lasturl += filename + '?preview' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upfile_a_' + tdnum ) . href = lasturl ;
document . getElementById ( 'upfile_a1_' + tdnum ) . href = filename ;
document . getElementById ( 'upfile_cpbt_' + tdnum ) . style . display = " " ;
< ? php } ?>
EndTime = new Date ();
MiddleStr = '<?php echo getconstStr(' EndAt '); ?>:' + EndTime . toLocaleString () + '<br>' ;
if ( newstartsize == 0 ) {
MiddleStr += '<?php echo getconstStr(' AverageSpeed '); ?>:' + size_format ( totalsize * 1000 / ( EndTime . getTime () - StartTime . getTime ())) + '/s<br>' ;
} else {
MiddleStr += '<?php echo getconstStr(' ThisTime ').getconstStr(' AverageSpeed '); ?>:' + size_format (( totalsize - newstartsize ) * 1000 / ( EndTime . getTime () - StartTime . getTime ())) + '/s<br>' ;
document . getElementById ( 'upfile_td1_' + tdnum ) . innerHTML = '<div style="color:green"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER[' base_disk_path ']; ?>' + response . name + '?preview" id="upfile_a_' + tdnum + '" target="_blank">' + document . getElementById ( 'upfile_td1_' + tdnum ) . innerHTML + '</a> <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER[' base_disk_path ']; ?>' + response . name + '" id="upfile_a1_' + tdnum + '"></a><?php echo getconstStr(' UploadComplete '); ?><button onclick="CopyAllDownloadUrl(\'#upfile_a1_' + tdnum + '\');" id="upfile_cpbt_' + tdnum + '" <?php if (!$_SERVER[' admin ']) echo ' style = " display:none " '; ?> ><?php echo getconstStr(' CopyUrl '); ?></button></div>' ;
label . innerHTML = StartStr + MiddleStr ;
uploadbuttonshow ();
< ? php if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { ?>
addelement ( response );
< ? php } ?>
} else {
if ( ! response [ 'nextExpectedRanges' ]) {
label . innerHTML = '<font color="red">' + xhr . responseText + '</font> ' ;
} else {
var a = response [ 'nextExpectedRanges' ][ 0 ];
asize = Number ( a . slice ( 0 , a . indexOf ( " - " )) );
readblob ( asize );
} } else readblob ( asize );
xhr . send ( binary );
} else {
if ( window . location . pathname . indexOf ( '%23' ) > 0 || file . name . indexOf ( '%23' ) > 0 ) {
label . innerHTML = '<font color="red"><?php echo getconstStr(' UploadFail23 '); ?></font>' ;
} else {
label . innerHTML = '<font color="red">' + xhr2 . responseText + '</font>' ;
uploadbuttonshow ();
< ? php }
if ( getConfig ( 'admin' ) != '' ) { // close div. 有登录或操作, 需要关闭DIV时 ?>
function operatediv_close ( operate ) {
document . getElementById ( operate + '_div' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
< ? php }
if ( $_SERVER [ 'admin' ]) { // admin login. 管理登录后 ?>
function logout () {
document . cookie = " admin=; path=/ " ;
location . href = location . href ;
< ? php if ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'preview' ])) { ?>
function showdiv ( event , action , num ) {
var $operatediv = document . getElementsByName ( 'operatediv' );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $operatediv . length ; $i ++ ) {
$operatediv [ $i ] . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . display = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . height = document . documentElement . scrollHeight < window . innerHeight ? window . innerHeight : document . documentElement . scrollHeight + 'px' ;
if ( num == '' ) {
var str = '' ;
} else {
var str = document . getElementById ( 'file_a' + num ) . innerText ;
if ( str == '' ) {
str = document . getElementById ( 'file_a' + num ) . getElementsByTagName ( " img " )[ 0 ] . alt ;
if ( str == '' ) {
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
swal ( '<?php echo getconstStr(' GetFileNameFail '); ?>' );
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
operatediv_close ( action );
return ;
if ( str . substr ( - 1 ) == ' ' ) str = str . substr ( 0 , str . length - 1 );
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . display = '' ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_label' ) . innerText = str ; //.replace(/&/,'&');
document . getElementById ( action + '_sid' ) . value = num ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_hidden' ) . value = str ;
if ( action == 'rename' ) document . getElementById ( action + '_input' ) . value = str ;
var $e = event || window . event ;
var $scrollX = document . documentElement . scrollLeft || document . body . scrollLeft ;
var $scrollY = document . documentElement . scrollTop || document . body . scrollTop ;
var $x = $e . pageX || $e . clientX + $scrollX ;
var $y = $e . pageY || $e . clientY + $scrollY ;
if ( action == 'create' ) {
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . left = ( document . body . clientWidth - document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetWidth ) / 2 + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . top = ( window . innerHeight - document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetHeight ) / 2 + $scrollY + 'px' ;
} else {
if ( $x + document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetWidth > document . body . clientWidth ) {
if ( document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetWidth > document . body . clientWidth ) {
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetWidth = document . body . clientWidth + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . left = '0px' ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . left = document . body . clientWidth - document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . offsetWidth + 'px' ;
} else {
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . left = $x + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_div' ) . style . top = $y + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( action + '_input' ) . focus ();
function submit_operate ( str ) {
var num = document . getElementById ( str + '_sid' ) . value ;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest ();
xhr . open ( " GET " , '?' + serializeForm ( str + '_form' ));
xhr . setRequestHeader ( 'x-requested-with' , 'XMLHttpRequest' );
xhr . send ( null );
xhr . onload = function ( e ){
var html ;
if ( xhr . status < 300 ) {
console . log ( xhr . status + ',' + xhr . responseText );
if ( str == 'rename' ) {
html = JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText );
var file_a = document . getElementById ( 'file_a' + num );
file_a . innerText = html . name ;
file_a . href = ( file_a . href . substr ( - 8 ) == '?preview' ) ? ( html . name . replace ( / #/,'%23')+'?preview'):(html.name.replace(/#/,'%23')+'/');
if ( str == 'move' || str == 'delete' ) document . getElementById ( 'tr' + num ) . parentNode . removeChild ( document . getElementById ( 'tr' + num ));
if ( str == 'create' ) {
html = JSON . parse ( xhr . responseText );
addelement ( html );
2020-05-30 17:56:01 +08:00
} else swal ( xhr . status + '\n' + xhr . responseText );
2020-05-02 22:11:46 +08:00
document . getElementById ( str + '_div' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
return false ;
function addelement ( html ) {
var tr1 = document . createElement ( 'tr' );
tr1 . setAttribute ( 'data-to' , 1 );
var td1 = document . createElement ( 'td' );
td1 . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'file' );
var a1 = document . createElement ( 'a' );
a1 . href = '<?php echo $_SERVER[' base_disk_path '];?>' + html . name . replace ( / #/,'%23');
a1 . innerText = html . name ;
a1 . target = '_blank' ;
var td2 = document . createElement ( 'td' );
td2 . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'updated_at' );
td2 . innerText = html . lastModifiedDateTime . replace ( / T / , ' ' ) . replace ( / Z / , '' );
var td3 = document . createElement ( 'td' );
td3 . setAttribute ( 'class' , 'size' );
td3 . innerText = size_format ( html . size );
if ( !! html . folder ) {
a1 . href += '/' ;
document . getElementById ( 'tr0' ) . parentNode . insertBefore ( tr1 , document . getElementById ( 'tr0' ) . nextSibling );
if ( !! html . file ) {
a1 . href += '?preview' ;
a1 . name = 'filelist' ;
document . getElementById ( 'tr0' ) . parentNode . appendChild ( tr1 );
tr1 . appendChild ( td1 );
td1 . appendChild ( a1 );
tr1 . appendChild ( td2 );
tr1 . appendChild ( td3 );
function getElements ( formId ) {
var form = document . getElementById ( formId );
var elements = new Array ();
var tagElements = form . getElementsByTagName ( 'input' );
for ( var j = 0 ; j < tagElements . length ; j ++ ){
elements . push ( tagElements [ j ]);
var tagElements = form . getElementsByTagName ( 'select' );
for ( var j = 0 ; j < tagElements . length ; j ++ ){
elements . push ( tagElements [ j ]);
var tagElements = form . getElementsByTagName ( 'textarea' );
for ( var j = 0 ; j < tagElements . length ; j ++ ){
elements . push ( tagElements [ j ]);
return elements ;
function serializeElement ( element ) {
var method = element . tagName . toLowerCase ();
var parameter ;
if ( method == 'select' ) {
parameter = [ element . name , element . value ];
switch ( element . type . toLowerCase ()) {
case 'submit' :
case 'hidden' :
case 'password' :
case 'text' :
case 'date' :
case 'textarea' :
parameter = [ element . name , element . value ];
break ;
case 'checkbox' :
case 'radio' :
if ( element . checked ){
parameter = [ element . name , element . value ];
break ;
if ( parameter ) {
var key = encodeURIComponent ( parameter [ 0 ]);
if ( key . length == 0 ) return ;
if ( parameter [ 1 ] . constructor != Array ) parameter [ 1 ] = [ parameter [ 1 ]];
var values = parameter [ 1 ];
var results = [];
for ( var i = 0 ; i < values . length ; i ++ ) {
results . push ( key + '=' + encodeURIComponent ( values [ i ]));
return results . join ( '&' );
function serializeForm ( formId ) {
var elements = getElements ( formId );
var queryComponents = new Array ();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elements . length ; i ++ ) {
var queryComponent = serializeElement ( elements [ i ]);
if ( queryComponent ) {
queryComponents . push ( queryComponent );
return queryComponents . join ( '&' );
< ? php }
} else if ( getConfig ( 'admin' ) != '' ) if ( getConfig ( 'adminloginpage' ) == '' ) { ?>
function login () {
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . display = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'mask' ) . style . height = document . documentElement . scrollHeight < window . innerHeight ? window . innerHeight : document . documentElement . scrollHeight + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( 'login_div' ) . style . display = '' ;
document . getElementById ( 'login_div' ) . style . left = ( document . body . clientWidth - document . getElementById ( 'login_div' ) . offsetWidth ) / 2 + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( 'login_div' ) . style . top = ( window . innerHeight - document . getElementById ( 'login_div' ) . offsetHeight ) / 2 + document . body . scrollTop + 'px' ;
document . getElementById ( 'login_input' ) . focus ();
< ? php } ?>
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